A.D.E.N. — Master Nodes

3 min readMar 12, 2018


1. What is A.D.E.N.?

A.D.E.N. is an acronym for Advanced Distributed Edge Network which is our custom block chain solution.

The A.D.E.N. technology is the backbone of the GoHelpFund platform that handles all donations made, providing transparency, speed and security out of the box; it improves and enhances the user experience on both sides of the spectrum, starting from the nodes and miners, to the platform users.

Briefly, it enables us to:

  • Decouple from the Ethereum’s ERC20 token locked-in interface and migrate to our own solution.
  • Research, develop and test different academic papers with the focus on hybrid architectures, multicast communication, synchronization, consistency and replication, fault tolerance, and last but not least, security.

It is composed of three layers, starting from the bottom with the block chain, followed up by master nodes, and sitting on top the entity master nodes; represented through a triangle.

2. What is a Master Node?

Master nodes are specialized nodes within the distributed network that enable custom features and greatly improve fault tolerance in the system, which are classified in two categories:

  • Master Nodes
  • Entity Master Nodes

As regular nodes, they are required to run a wallet software, with additional requirements, such as a dedicated IPv4 address, high availability through an up-time of 24 hours with a connection loss of maximum 1 hour.

Custom features enabled:

  • Near-instant donations
  • Dynamic mining reward distribution
  • Private donations through anonymization services such as TOR, AN.ON

For providing such features, master nodes are also paid a certain portion of reward for each block. This can serve as a passive income to the master node owners minus their running cost.

3. How is the block reward structured?

  • 20% allocated to the Help Foundation
  • 80% allocated to both miners and master nodes

The reward portion is further split via the Dynamic mining reward distribution between miners and master nodes.

The higher the master node count, the smaller the reward portion of each PoS block that will be paid out to the master nodes and the larger the reward portion for miners. Conversely, when the master node count falls, the master node reward portion is increased and the miner reward portion decreased.

  • Miner: 30% minimum to 70% maximum
  • Master Node: 30% minimum to 70% maximum

Both will add up to 100% at any point in time, that make up the 80% allocation of the overall block reward.

HELP Tokens required for:

  • Master Node: 2,500
  • Entity Master Node: 25,000

The block reward allocated for master nodes (M.N.+E.M.N.) is divided equally and payment is sent to each queue assigned to that category.

The master nodes are randomly selected for payment in each block once they reach the top 10% of the total count of master nodes, and moved to the back of the queue after payment. Due to the selection algorithm, there is always an aspect of randomness to payment selection, but in the long term all master node owners should receive similar payments, based on their category.

P.S.: This is an overview description of our A.D.E.N. technology and master nodes; follow-up articles with other relevant details will be published, stay tuned.

