Manifesting- How To Love Yourself After A Breakup Guide

Valerie G
5 min readAug 24, 2019


Breakups can sometimes drain you of all your Energy! Here’s how you can restore your Zin and manifest that Energy back and so much more!

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If you’re reading this, you probably just painfully ended a serious relationship willingly or unwillingly. You are now in the phase where you are constantly searching up articles on how to get my boyfriend/girlfriend/lover back! Am I right? The truth is, if this particular person is meant to be with you, then they will come back to you eventually. Don’t beat yourself up about when or how. For now, dry your tears, straighten up and take a deep breath. Calm your nerves and relax a bit. For this to work, you have to go within and work on the things that led to the end of the relationship in the first place. (This is of course if you are able to take ownership of your own faults.) First, I want you to write down what happened in the relationship that caused it to end. Think of the very moments after that glorious “honeymoon” phase that started to get a little rocky. There! That’s where we want to go in our minds and reflect on the different approaches we could have taken to avoid or better that particular situation. Next I want you to reflect on the entire relationship as a whole from that point forward. Did you treat each other differently? Was there a loss of communication? Did you become stubborn? Neglectful? Fearful? This reflection is not for you to judge yourself, but to bring light to the flaws and correct them so when it is time to enter a new partnership you’ll know exactly how to approach the very things that caused your previous encounters to fail. Please understand that this is not to necessarily to “change” yourself for someone, but to manifest a higher vibration within and to able a better version of yourself. Once you implement this process, you’ll naturally understand the importance of positive reflections after any relationship/partnership in your life has ended.

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We all know the saying “it takes 30 days to break a bad habit”. In this case, we don’t want to wait around soaking in our hurt, pain and tears for 30 whole days. You want to be able to bounce back with little to no down time after a breakup. Yes, there will be resentment and or regrets however, if you change your mindset to find the “positives” then you’ll be able to do so. What do I mean by positives? How could there be anything positive about a breakup! What I am referring to is understanding that everything as happened for one reason or another. The two of you may simply need more time to grow as individuals, apart from one another, in order for the universe to bring you to back together. Take this time you have away and mentally detox. Detox your mind of all the negative memories you have together. If you cannot physically speak to the person, mentally forgive them of the hurt they’ve caused you and ask for their forgiveness for your wrong doings while you’re at it. By doing this, you and Manifesting the forgiveness and essentially putting forth the action of a new or better beginning with yourself and that person. You should feel a ton lifted from your heart and most importantly your mind should start to be clear.

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It is important that you understand what you put out is what you get back. If you stay in that self pity mode, you are always going to pity yourself and eventually others will to. It is okay to mourn your loss briefly, but soon after you have to pick yourself up and elevate. Once you have reflected and are certain of the things you need to improve in yourself, it time to get to work. When you love yourself first, you won’t ever have to go looking for validation in love. Your relationships/partnerships should always feel conditional and equal and never one sided.


What exactly are affirmations? In literal terms, this is the act of reassuring yourself that you are what you say you are, you can do what you say you can do, you will receive what you say you will receive. While it is nice to have someone to lean on during this vulnerable time in your life, only you can make the process of manifestation work. By reassuring yourself that you are strong, you can get through this, you deserve better, and that you are better! You are putting forth the Law of Attraction thus bringing into your life what you are putting out. You can find a variety of affirmations across the web to suit your personal needs. My personal favorite way of practicing this act is by using an affirmation audio to repeat first thing in the morning, and just before going to sleep at night. Throughout the day, try to focus on the affirmation you did and live it! By living what you already reassured yourself, you are bringing yourself one step closer to it being your truth Everyday!


This is the good part! What is manifestation? Manifestation is essentially the process of all your hard work of affirmations coming to life. Let’s be clear… This does not just happen overnight or with the click of the shiny red heels. To manifest anything into physical reality you have to put in time healing! You must cleanse your inner energy which paves the way for all you are manifesting into your life. Let’s face it, a breakup is almost inevitable and (for most of us) it can be that smack in the face wake up call to get it together and realize who we really are as a person. This is usually the moment we start reevaluating the different aspects in our lives…the turning point in the story of our journey in life. The good new is… YOU ARE NOT ALONE. You will take control of your life and bring all you are deserving to you. Challenge yourself each day to love yourself and be who and what you want to be!

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