In The Palm of Your Hand: All About PALMISTRY

Psychics Connect
6 min readSep 26, 2018


Palm reading has fascinated people for thousands of years. Palmistry goes back over five thousand years and is thought to have originated in India moving to China, Greece and Egypt. It eventually found its way to Europe through nomadic tribes of Gypsies.

The main reason a person would have a palm reading is for guidance and support, yet anxiety can creep in. A person wants to hear good news yet may feel apprehensive in case they are told something they do not want to hear. The palm reader and client need to work together in order to establish the confidence and trust necessary in the reading. It is important to find a good balance between the positives and negatives in a person’s hand.

First of all, a reader would need to look at the type of hand. When she examines a person’s hands, she can look at the dominant hand, which shows what they are doing with their life at the moment. The non-dominant hand reflects their capabilities and this can reveal a difference between their potential and the degree to which this is being fulfilled. The hands provide the foundation needed to help determine our character, whereas the lines depict a map of our journey in life. The lines indicate the talents we possess, our capacity to demonstrate these talents and the probable direction our life will take.

Having a palm reading can often confirm your inner feelings. It can enable you to look at your life and how you can work through challenges and obstacles. The potential for success in love, money, career, health and all aspects of our life is within us all.

Palm reading is known under many different headings, chiromancy or cheiromancy, palmistry, or hand analysis. Palm reading is far more than following textbook theories and is an art form requiring study. A psychic palm reading can add another dimension to your reading and offer you further insight and guidance to all areas of your life.

heart line


The heart line begins at the side of the palm beneath the little finger and sweeps across the hand heading towards either the index finger, the middle finger, or somewhere in between.

The heart line relates to love and relationships. However, not only does it show how you connect on a relationship level, but it also reveals how you relate to other people, whether family, friends or work colleagues.

Your heart line can also change depending on your emotional state. It indicates how you express your emotions, whether you show love and affection or whether you keep your feelings private. It shows whether you act in a sensitive and compassionate manner or whether your manner comes across as uncaring and heartless. The way the line is shaped reveals what you would expect from a relationship. A deep line with no breaks or islands would signify a more positive attitude, whereas breaks and islands would indicate setbacks and disappointments. The deeper the line the more in tune you are with your feelings.

life line


The life line begins between the thumb and the index finger. A popular fallacy relating to this line would be that often people assume it shows the length of a person’s life, whereas in reality the line shows your enthusiasm and passion for life.

Your life’s journey is depicted on this line showing your progression through life with
major events and traumas clearly visible. It can indicate your strengths and your weaknesses and can show concerns you may need to resolve. This is the line a palmist would look at to check a person’s health. A deep, welldefined line would indicate a healthy and positive outlook on life. It shows that you have the energy and ability to deal with everyday issues. A faint line indicates that you need to look after yourself and recharge your batteries.

The life line on both hands can appear quite different. The line on one hand can show what we are capable of and where our life’s journey is taking us, whilst on the other hand it can show how we are handling the situation. Whether we are partaking and contributing to what is going on, or whether we sit back and hope that someone comes along to wave a magic wand in order to change our life for the better.

head line


The headline begins just above the life line, starting somewhere between the thumb and the index finger. It may start by being connected to the life line before separating and moving across towards the centre of the palm. In other instances, the head line can be quite separate to the life line.

The head line deals with your intellect and brain power, with the way you think, with the way you use your mind and whether you are intuitive or practical and realistic. It shows whether you are using your intelligence to the best of your ability. It indicates your mental capacity and whether your thoughts are based on logic and reason or whether your mind flits around in an irrational manner.

The length of the headline is important, although a long headline does not necessarily indicate wisdom. The strength and clarity of the head line shows your capacity to appraise a situation. Anxiety, confusion and depression are indicated in a weak or fuzzy line.The head line can cut straight across the hand or it may curve down to the Mount of the Moon. At times, the line can divide and branch out in two different directions giving you a good balance between the conscious and unconscious mind.

line of destiny


The Line of Destiny is also known as the Fate Line or the Line of Saturn. The line starts at the wrist and makes its way up the palm towards the fingers.

This line indicates your well being and how you view life. The stronger and deeper the line, the more content you will be with your lot in life. Unhappiness is shown in a weak and irregular line.
As this line also indicates your career path, it shows your talents and your capacity to realise these talents. It would denote your sense of purpose in life, your responsibilities and how you cope with your tasks. You have
a personal responsibility for your life and the direction you wish to take. At all times you are in control of your own destiny.

The lines on your hands are constantly changing, reflecting the situation you find yourself in at any given point in time. Your Line of Destiny is like a signpost, indicating the direction you are taking. Past events and the likely course of future events are depicted clearly.

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