What is Image Enhancement? | Image Processing #3

Gökçenaz Akyol
5 min readJan 14, 2023


Example of image enhancement

What is Image Enhancement?

Image enhancement is the process of making images more useful (such as making images more visually appealing, bringing out specific features, removing noise from images and highlighting interesting details in images).

Spatial and Frequency Domains

  • Spatial domain techniques manipuletes the pixels of an image directly. This process happens in the image’s coordinate system, also known as the spatial domain.
  • Frequency domain techniques transforms an image from the spatial domain to the frequency domain. In this process, Mathematical transformations (such as the Fourier transform) are used. The image can be modified by manipulating its frequency components.

Note: In this blog post, only techniques that operate in spatial domain will be explained. Also, grey levels are assumed to be given in the range [0.0, 1.0].

Basic Spatial Domain Image Enhancement

Spatial Domain

Most spatial domain enhancement operations can be reduced to the form g (x, y) = T[ f (x, y)] where f (x, y) is the input image, g (x, y) is the processed image and T is some operator defined over some neighbourhood of (x, y).

Point Processing Techniques

When the neighborhood is pixel itself, simplest spatial domain operations occur. Point processing operation take the form s = T(r) where s refers to the processed image pixel value and r refers to the original image pixel value.

1. Negative Images

mammogram and negative image of mammogram
  • Negative images are useful for enhancing details.
  • s = intensity_max — r

2. Thresholding

  • Thresholding transformations are useful for segmentation in which we want to isolate an object of interest from a background.
  • If thresholding is too low, image contains higher intensity values more.
  • If thresholding is too high, image contains lower intensity values more.

3. Some of The Grey Level Transformations

Most common grey level transformations

Logarithmic Transformations

  • The general form of the log transformation is s = c * log(1 + r)
  • The log transformation maps a narrow range of low input grey level values into a wider range of output values.
  • The inverse log transformation performs the opposite transformation.
  • Log functions are particularly useful when the input grey level values may have an extremely large range of values
The Fourier transform of an image is put through a log transform to reveal more detail
  • C is generally set to 1.
  • Grey levels must be in the range [0.0, 1.0].

Power Law (Gamma Correction) Transformations

  • Power law transformations have the following form:
  • Map a narrow range of dark input values into a wider range of output values or vice versa.
  • Varying γ gives a whole family of curves.
  • C is generally set to 1.
  • Grey levels must be in the range [0.0, 1.0].
Different curves highlight different detail
Power law transforms are used to darken the image

Gamma Correction

Gamma Correction of Computer Monitor
  • Display devices do not respond linearly to different intensities.

Piecewise Linear Transformation Functions

Contrast stretching linear transform to add contrast to a poor quality image

Gray Level Slicing

Highlights a specific range of grey levels
  • Highlights a specific range of grey levels, other levels can be suppressed or maintained.

Bit Plane Slicing

  • By isolating particular bits of the pixel values in an image we can highlight interesting aspects of that image.
  • Higher-order bits usually contain most of the significant visual information.
  • Lower-order bits contain subtle details.

Image Enhancement

The histogram of an image shows us the distribution of grey levels in the image. Useful in image processing, especially in segmentation and enhancement.

Images and their histograms

The high contrast image has the most evenly spaced histogram.

Histogram Equalisation

  • Spreading out the frequencies in an image (or equalising the image) is a simple way to improve dark or washed out images.
Histogram equalization formula
Example of histogram equalization

Equalization Transformation Function

Equalization Transformation Function

Histogram Matching

Histogram equalization is not suitable
  • There are applications in which histogram equalization is not suitable.
  • It is useful sometimes to be able to specify the shape of the histogram that we wish the processed image to have.
Histogram matching


  • “Digital Image Processing”, Rafael C. Gonzalez & Richard E. Woods, Pearson/Prencite Hall, 2018.
  • “AIN430 Fundamentals of Image Processing”, Ali Seydi Keçeli



Gökçenaz Akyol

Artificial Intelligence Researcher @The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye