First WW — A cover to remember

Sentiment Engineering

Gokhan Caylak
4 min readJan 19, 2017


Sentiments are the oldest legacy code of beings, thanks to emotions they are implaed to our souls without actual nails and warranty, bummer.

As creators/creations or withnesses, we are (lets be optimistic) blessed by the power to itirate and create what is seems necessary for our contextual delight.

However, how do we choose to manage that predetermined process?

British Factories 1873

Think about it each reality is decided before you know it(legacy code works), each of these are fucking random! What failsafe methods or contradictions are being imminent to the first and the last line of code of our existential, decisions.There comes to weak part of brain which is not being able to transfer itself :/ So that you have to find the answer each time individually without proper help.

How do you think we elevated ourselves from a being premature being than to a high functioning intelligient being. Not just by sharing the old sentiments, we have created and come up with somethings like amazing concepts like self sacrifice, caring, mercy and unconditional love.

Save the children 1932

Think something positive for example, a feeling or a thought…

Can you comprehend the magnitude of complexity of that positive feeling? can you see the investment behind, comparison to its original and purposed state.

Good feelings are not easy you have to control your own state than your own thought and create trust which requires a certain level of understanding. (Eventhough only one protagonist here)

Soviet Russia — True smile

Now lets try the other way,

Think something negative, provacative or ugly.

Think about what would you do if I hit you in the face, try to conjure your own reaction towards what just happened you!

Self-Defense, Retalliation, vengance and even simplest reaction is hell way easier to come up with and requires no past investment by any means. You will just act on reaction by your code of being right? Degree and the desity of your reaction will be based on your evaluation of my own perception. If you can harm me back and get off the hook you will do it, or if you even try for a slightest chance and you will be destroyed for good, are you still willing to do it?

Soviet Soldier* — Smiling

So to speak what does it mean for us?

Hard feelings are a lot more easy than positive feelings which needs more investment than the other ones. you can create bad feelings easily on the contrary to positive feelings.

What does it mean, it means that our unity and harmony takes a lot more energy and understanding than segregation and apartheid.

You can feel that you are being driven by negative feeling if you havent felt that you are only destined to do so, however you will smile in the end. Does not matter that you understand the terms or not since there is no body to tell you what is wrong and right, you will go with the flow.

How do we ascend to this? what level of body and mind substraction is that. None of these pictures in this post are better or worse than each other but all of them are only magnificient.

Liberia — Gvt Child playing*

In the end time, location or conditions are irrelevant. As we mastered sentiment enginering and come up with th pragmatic way of survivial. But still not being a transferrable item makes you a gem that survives for milleniums.

