Thank you for your informative Story.In my version, when I create a user profile, I need to check if it was created before. Following "Service" class is responsible for that…Nov 23, 20241Nov 23, 20241
How to use VideoPlayer in SwiftUIWe, as developers, can use “UIViewRepresentable” protocol to include our media player into our SwiftUI apps. But Apple offers much easier…Nov 14, 2024Nov 14, 2024
“Temettü” konuşalım - 2İlk bölümde temettü geliri konusuna giriş yapıp, kişisel fikirlerimi paylaşmıştım. (Bir önceki yazı) . İkinci bölümde temettü geliri…Oct 18, 2024Oct 18, 2024
Core Data — 2/2 — Initialization with NSPersistentContainerNSPersistentContainer is one the building blocks of Core Data which simplifies the creation and management of the Core Data.Jun 2, 2024Jun 2, 2024
Core Data — 1/2 — InitializationIn this story, we will review the basics of Core Data Framework, its building blocks and how to initialize it.May 25, 2024May 25, 2024
Cropping User Profile Image (iOS/Swift)iOS apps that enable their users to share profile photos, need to crop profile image before saving it. Cropping is a simple method defined…May 31, 2023May 31, 2023
Sign-in with AppleBusiness apps need to know who their customers are, just before authorizing them. Standart way of doing it is to make a simple login page.Mar 8, 2023Mar 8, 2023
JSON Parsing Scenarios . 1API call is the core part of most mobile apps and JSON parsing is the last step of the process. We, developers, are generally lucky to use…Jan 28, 2022Jan 28, 2022