How to help your child build a coding portfolio?

Gokul ambat
3 min readJul 18, 2023


A coding portfolio is a collection of your child’s coding projects. It is a great way to showcase your child’s skills and experience to potential employers and educational institutions.

  • What to include in a coding portfolio? Your child’s coding portfolio should include a variety of projects that showcase their skills. This could include simple games, websites, or even apps. It is also important to include documentation for each project, such as screenshots of the code or a blog post about the project.
  • How to get started with a coding portfolio? If your child is new to coding, you can start by helping them find simple projects to complete. There are many online resources that can help you find coding projects for kids. Once your child has completed a few projects, they can start to put together their portfolio.

Here are the steps on how to build a coding portfolio for children:

  1. Choose a programming language. There are many different programming languages to choose from, so it’s important to choose one that is appropriate for your child’s age and skill level. Some popular programming languages for kids include Scratch, Python, and JavaScript.
  2. Find some beginner projects. Once you’ve chosen a programming language, you can start looking for some beginner projects to complete. There are many online resources that can help you find coding projects for kids.
  3. Document your work. As your child completes coding projects, encourage them to document their work. This could include taking screenshots of their code, writing a blog post about their project, or creating a video tutorial. This will help them showcase their work and build their portfolio.
  4. Get feedback. Once your child has completed a few projects, you can get feedback from them on their work. This will help them identify areas where they can improve. You can also get feedback from other coders or from online forums.
  5. Update your portfolio regularly. As your child’s skills improve, they should update their portfolio to reflect their progress. This will help them keep their portfolio up-to-date and showcase their latest work.

Here are some additional tips for building a coding portfolio for children:

  • Start with simple projects. Don’t overwhelm your child with complex projects. Start with simple projects that they can complete successfully. This will help them build their confidence and learn the basics of coding.
  • Make it fun. Coding should be fun! If your child is having fun, they’re more likely to stick with it. There are many ways to make coding fun, such as:
  • Using games and puzzles. There are many coding games and puzzles available online. These can be a great way to introduce your child to coding and help them learn the basics.
  • Working on projects that they’re interested in. If your child is interested in a particular topic, such as animals or music, you can help them find a coding project that relates to that topic. This will make the project more interesting for them and help them stay motivated.
  • Coding with friends. Coding can be a social activity. You can encourage your child to code with friends or family members. This can help them learn from each other and stay motivated.
  • Help your child get involved in the coding community. There are many online and offline coding communities that your child can get involved in. These communities can provide your child with support, feedback, and opportunities to learn from other coders.

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There are a few things that you can do to make your child’s coding portfolio stand out. First, make sure that the projects in the portfolio are well-documented and easy to understand. Second, include projects that showcase your child’s creativity and problem-solving skills. Finally, make sure that the portfolio is well-organized and easy to navigate.

I hope this blog post has been helpful.

