30 Days Writing Challenge!

1 min readOct 10, 2022


Day 14- Describe your style

I love to be seen differently in the crowd. I spend a good amount of time thinking about what to wear when I go out. That thought is rooted in “Attracting the opposite sex”. I do my research to find the best color combinations that suit me. I have this thought that whatever I use should be different. I prefer not to use anything that is commonly used.

When it comes to appearance I love to explore as many options. I am not a huge fan of gadgets. My way of communication is simple. I want to keep it as simple as possible. I love to confuse people. I mean in a good way. I stay unpredictable. There are many parts of me I am still exploring. Every day know a new version of myself. Learning the new by unlearning the old.

