Gold Protects Against The Next Economic Melt Down

8 min readSep 19, 2016


Should you reminisce with the financial meltdown that occurred worldwide and the not enough regulations enacted as a result of; you can see that many of us are still within huge risk of it occurring again. And you will see that if you have Gold inside your portfolio and retirement accounts as well as bonds and stocks, you’d made an absolute fortune even though the world was in the worst financial crisis since great depression.Banks closed, aspects of major cities were destroyed due to vacant homes, home values plummeted and a record amount of people lost their properties and/or filed for bankruptcy.FunnyDollarBill

Gold IRA,

How could this possibly happen is a fairly naive question once you recognize that the loan industry is double the amount height and width of the manufacturing industry knowning that the regulations from the depression era that kept the financial industry honest were basically stripped of their power in 1999.

Contrary to most beliefs, it wasn�t government entities that pushed for the 1999 banking DE-regulation. It turned out the banks as well as their lobby groups who bullied the politicians into doing the work. Of course Washington didn�t ought to and they also did make something useful in the bi-partisan measure but frankly, it turned out the very last thing on their minds during the time (remember Monica and Newt?) and would’ve never occurred or even for that financial lobby groups.

HOW Achieved it START?

What started being a reasonable and brilliant idea in 1994; spreading lender�s risk among many to get back capital reserves that might happen to be bound for existing loans to be used to loan additional money, become the worst nightmare any bank might imagine. Ironically, J.P. Morgan, who�s �Young Turks� invented the idea got from the way before any crisis ever developed and actually taken advantage of the industry meltdown.

Principle idea was that J.P. wanted to utilize the same hedging techniques the commodity markets use. If they could spread their risk for letters of credit or loans around, they�ll bring in more money because they�ll manage to lend additional money.

The initial deal J.P. made was for an Exxon letter of credit as a result of Valdez oil spill that took place Alaska in 1989. J.P. stood a huge amount of capital in reserve for that letter of credit. They found financial institutions willing to purchase a number of the risk for any good yield. This enabled J.P. to consider much of the main city reserves they held business books and then use it for other deals. It toiled on their behalf and they continued spreading risk on credit for individual companies.

Their alternative was to package risk they held from many A-1 companies with great credit and then sell on some of that risk to investors who have a reasonable return if the A-1 companies paid their obligations. J.P. made money and fees, the investors made money, the A-1 companies got the credit they needed and many types of was well.

To grow ecommerce, their next move would have been to package risk business lenders (J.P. back then had this market cornered) and then sell the crooks to investors which worked well also given that they only packaged A-1 companies with great credit along practically absolutely no way of defaulting.

As word got outside the market, other banks started accomplishing this and because there are no regulations on this new derivative, this was finished on private exchanges without one, including government regulators, knowing who had previously been selling things to whom. It had been relatively safe as the risk was safe as only companies with great credit were area of the portfolios.

Wall Street desired to take this risk spreading for the home loan market but was blocked because of the Glass/Stegall regulations enacted after the Great Depression. They and their lobby groups spread huge amount of money around Washington plus 1999, the market was DE-regulated enough to allow for a lot more different types of mortgage products (mostly sub-prime) which ended in an incredible number of new mortgages and allowed for that packaging and selling with the mortgage portfolios to investors.

Almost all of the new mortgage products (sub-prime loans) were no interest loans (borrower only paid interest and never principle for a certain quantity of your energy to hold payments low), stated income loans (borrower didn�t ought to prove their income), adjustable rate mortgages (when adjustment period ended, interest would increase or borrower took out another adjustable rate mortgage or a fixed interest rate loan) and countless others. The new mortgage products allowed people who would have never re-financed previously to take out the equity of their homes in cash and begin a brand new mortgage.

Which is what sort of banking crisis was given birth to. Banks as well as other lenders learned they might package sub-prime loans with prime loans to increase risk as well as yield and sell as much as they can put together. Backing the risk were the Credit Default Swaps (CDS) and also the kingpin written (insuring) the loan packages was the insurance company AIG.

As a result of DE-regulations and new loan products and also the CDS�s, new lenders opened throughout the United states of america and so they specially centered people who have either a bad credit score but had equity within their home or people strapped with serious bank card and also other debt coupled with equity in their home.

The selling pitch was easy for the mortgage broker; home carry on and increase so take an adjustable rate mortgage using a preferential rate,lessen your payments now and funds at your residence equity. Consider the cash and repay what you owe that can lessen your monthly premiums then refinance in the event the adjustable interval is finished into a long term loan.

Even though a changeable rate mortgage wouldn�t work, that they other mortgage products to work with together with the end result being, anybody that had equity in their home, it doesn’t matter their credit history or income, might get financing and they were closed in days as opposed to the previous normal time frame of some weeks to some month.

When the mortgage loan officer stood a number of sub prime loans, they packaged them in to a portfolio and sold these phones investors. The investor, normally a bank, would bundle the sub prime loans with the lower risk loans that they. They will buy a CDS, go to a rating company and acquire an excellent rating because it was insured and then sell on the whole package using a great rating to other investors.

Whenever you sit back and take this in, it turned out really brilliant in the event you don�t consider what might happen if the home didn�t still appreciate (which happened). For under consideration what could happen in the event the appreciation stops, you can observe this is basically financial suicide. In the interest of fees and profits to the finance institutions, the globe economy went down the financial tubes. Even if this started in the United States, the European banks were heavily invested into sub-prime portfolios too.

One of the first states to comprehend until this method of mortgage lending must be stopped was Georgia. The governor and other legislatures, on the chagrin in the banking industry who spent millions fighting them, wrote a predatory lending bill to halt sub prime lending and it was written into law in 2002/2003. This is about 3 years before it truly hit the fan and ironically, despite having the predatory evidence from Georgia, no one acted except needless to say Wall Street, who with the help of their lobbying groups backed candidates to perform against Gov. Barnes.

Using the money they threw to the election, Barnes didn�t are able and within Two weeks from the new governor taking office, the Georgia predatory lending laws were rescinded. The lobby groups used precisely the same argument they used in 1999. Regulation stifles growth and opportunity and must be struck down every time they are enacted.

The sub prime lending used to be going strong despite the issues Georgia was having. With slick sales techniques driven by huge commissions and bonuses as well as the never ending supply of people living beyond their means who still had home equity, the sub prime mortgage lending with the packaging of mortgages insured with CDS was going as strong as it ever was.

The hardest situation regarding the Georgia fiasco was the politicians, supported by Wall Street money, publicly stated what sort of regulations would stifle home ownership, curtail lending and ruin Georgia�s economy. Greed and stupidity doesn’t have bounds.

Additional problems DE-regulation caused was that the selling of mortgage portfolios were basically private deals and something entity (including regulators) didn�t determine what others used to do. J.P. Morgan who invented the derivative wasn�t even using it for mortgages simply because they knew in the event the home appreciation stopped, the house of cards would fall faster than it absolutely was built.

The opposite banks didn�t know J.P. wasn’t selling sub-prime portfolios. The sole bank who exactly spoke out concerning the danger of sub prime portfolios was Wells Fargo but they owned a subsidy that was doing it too. Did they stop? No, we were holding making excessively during the time.

The only method to financially protect on your own is by owning Gold.

Home values were still rising and mortgage portfolio sales were going strong since the European banks started buying them. We were holding late into this but hit it fast and hard. Ironically, the initial bank to get in default was the German bank, IKB.

Beginning in 2006, American banks knew they were part of an arrangement that may collapse at anytime. It didn�t stop them though. They merely sold many toxic bundles scheming to make additional money prior to the bubble burst.

September of 2008 is when it really hit the fan. AIG, one of several world�s largest insurers and who wrote credit default swaps worth an estimated 400 billion dollars got hit with all the first tremendous wave of claims from individuals who invested in the toxic mortgages they insured. Naturally AIG, who took good thing about the regulations and didn�t have adequate capital to pay off the insured, stumbled on Washington begging for money to be afloat. Why they allowed themselves these kinds of risk could be answered with one word which is same word that sunk Wall Street; greed. However in the long run, Wall Street really didn�t hurt.

In reality, they�re as strong as it ever was. They merely about single handedly drove the planet into chapter 11 and not one criminal case continues to be filed. There are civil suits and several have paid fines and damages but the U.S. Justice Department has refused to file criminal charges against anyone from Wall Street.

The Justice Department claims they can�t prove with out a reasonable doubt the banks willingly partook in fraudulent or criminal activity. The argument using this: they knowingly continued to market potential worthless mortgage portfolios to get them using their company books. Virtually all the important Wall Street banks have settled many civil cases and have paid hundreds of millions in fines but are not prosecuted.

One other argument from the Justice Department failing to take action is; any jury anywhere would easily convict the leaders of the banking institutions with all the evidence they’d. The ridiculous foreclosure actions banks have got haven’t been prosecuted. Are you able to imagine not even knowing the master of your mortgage? And facts have come out that the banks don�t know who owns what (mortgages are already sold so frequently and/or combined with other mortgages) which caused these phones forge foreclosure paperwork. Most American cities have huge blighted areas with foreclosed homes just sitting there given that they can�t perform the paperwork to demolish the homes because they can�t figure out who exactly owns it.

There isn’t any dispute how the DE-regulation of 1999 along with the greed of Wall Street were directly to blame for the economical meltdown. Absolutely suit, will anyone learn from this? Our government forgot everything great depression with all the financial DE-regulation in 1999. Our government forgot about Vietnam (same failure and problems occurring in the centre East now) in 2003. What is going to they forget about next?

Gold IRA,

