vivienne Leijonhufvu
1 min readApr 9, 2017


If only the actions in the article would be adopted we would soon end this endless battle with Islam. I have been advocating nukes on the middle east for so long I just give up. People forget how little damage comparatively Nagasaki & Hiroshima did. The affect was swift, woke up the leaders and the Japanese war ended. Letting serious nuclear power get into the hands of emotional & fanatical Islam is the last thing we should allow. Saudi & Iran must be first. And as the article points an alliance between, China, Russia, US, Europe & Israel is the only sensible step forward to eradicate Islam. I have to say I am sick to death of hearing all these whinging PC men/women and politicians advocating kindness to Muslims/Islam will somehow make their evil ideology become more secular — it doesn’t work, never has, never will. Thank you for a great article.

