5 Nutrient-Packed Herbs That Can Replace Your Cabinet Full of Vitamins

Golden Goddess Alchemy
5 min readMay 25, 2022

Best Herbs For Daily Vitamins & Minerals

I’ve tried dozens of multivitamins over the years. From organic to clinically tested. In my experience, they almost always become too heavy on my stomach and lead to nausea or discomfort.

New studies have been reporting that more and more individuals end up in the emergency room due to a bad reaction to food supplements. This is often because dietary supplements are not considered food or drugs, and can often be sold without regulation. Not to mention, some may contain many fillers and extra ingredients that contribute to illness and adverse effects.

With that in mind, you may be wondering how to get more daily minerals, nutrients, and vitamins into your body without the risk of a reaction. Food is always the best option, however, the lack of nutrition in our soils and modified fruits and vegetables also continue to contribute to the problem.

Nutritive herbs and plants are a natural way to get a plethora of excellent vitamins and minerals that our body needs daily. They are usually more affordable and safer than dietary supplements. You can even grow them yourself!

Herbs have been around for centuries and rarely come with bad reactions and side effects like drugs and dietary supplements do.

Nutritive herbs and medicinal plants in their whole form are most familiar to the body. Making them easier to absorb and naturally balance deficiencies.

Plants provide the body with easily assimilated nutrients and minerals necessary for good gut and general health.

Herbal teas and tinctures can offer a wide variety of benefits that most people do not get from their diets alone. They contain phytochemicals, antioxidants, adaptogens, vitamins, minerals, and fiber which can help weight loss and prevent many cancers and diseases.

Herbal medicine has stood the test of time, as one of the most respected ancient therapies compatible with the chemistry of the human body. Herbs and plants, provide a gentle and safe alternative to modern drugs and supplements. With consistent use, I’ve found the benefits of herbs over dietary supplements or medications to be imminent.

The easiest way to benefit from herbs is to eat them of course, but infusions (teas), as well as tinctures, also make them easily absorbed into the bloodstream and digestive tract.

A tasty herbal blend whether warm or cold can enhance and make the daily intake a very pleasurable experience for all ages. Adding a handful of kitchen roots and herbs such as ginger, turmeric, parsley, basil, thyme, dill, and mint, pack a healthy punch of immunity boosting and anti-inflammatory effects for your overall health.

You can also sweeten and support the effects of your herbal blends by squeezing a fresh lime, orange, dried fruit, and spices like cinnamon to further add nutritional support. Vitamin C found in citrus fruits like lemon improve the absorption of iron found in leafy greens and plant herbs. Not to mention, it tastes so good!

Since our skin is our biggest organ, topical herbs like salves and bath soaks are also effective to treat many illnesses and promote the absorption of beneficial vitamins and minerals.


You don’t really need to incorporate liquid chlorophyll supplements, if you just opt for a few cups of nettle tea instead. There’s no denser nutrition than the plant itself. Nettle happens to be nature’s own natural multivitamin, as it is packed full of essential vitamins in minerals in excellent balance.

Nettles offer iron, calcium, magnesium, silicon, potassium, manganese zinc, copper, and chromium. You can also benefit from it’s bone building vitamins K, vitamin C, and B vitamins. Nettle should be a staple in all herbal cabinets because it has the capacity to heal and nourish the body from head to toe.

Oat Straw or Wild Oats (Avena Sativa)

Oatstraw is all around a highly nutritive. This herb has the ability to deeply nourish the entire body. It is a great source of daily calcium as well as folate, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, zinc. Oatstraw has even been known to act as an antidepressant and helps to ease inflammation in the body. You can also get a daily dose of your vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, E and amino acids by incorporating this herb. Given it’s name, “wild oats”, the Avena Sativa herb is also known to be excellent for boosting libido.

For the coffee addict, this herb can be very beneficial in restoring energy, reducing anxiety levels, and promoting relaxation. It can be used in a variety of ways as tea or bath and body care recipes to treat skin issues as well.

Red Raspberry Leaf

Red Raspberry Leaf is often considered a woman’s tonic, however it is beneficial for both sexes. Red raspberry leaf provides a vast amount of vitamins C, E, B2, B3, calcium, zinc, selenium, phosphorus, potassium, and iron. Combining red raspberry leaf with red clover herb, is also known to provide an excellent boost in fertility for both men and women.


Boosting daily collagen has become the trending supplement among the beauty community. Powders and supplements of all kinds have recently emerged more and more on the market. However, did you know that horsetail has been a natural collagen booster and herbal remedy for centuries?

Horsetail is excellent for hair care and hair loss as well. It contains silica, calcium, magnesium, and antioxidants that support hair growth speed, scalp circulation, bone health, connective tissues, and collagen in your body. Combine a pinch of horsetail with oat straw for a wonderful infusion that is excellent to meet your daily calcium needs.

Red Clover

Red Clover is a staple for boosting your immunity, building your blood, and lymphatic function, and providing a number of trace minerals. Nourish your fluids and carry more nutrients throughout your body by adding this amazing nutritive herb to your staples. It’s great for balancing out any deficiencies and is noted for vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, C, calcium, chromium, magnesium, manganese, molybdenum, phosphorus, and potassium.

Reconnecting with plants and herbs, from root to flower, is in turn rebuilding a connection to ourselves. Whether you wake up to a pot of coffee or a pot of tea each day, you are emulating a natural relationship that exists between us and the plant world.

If you’d like to learn more about herbal healing, wellness, and spiritual fulfillment, be sure to follow for more! Your support is appreciated!

Wishing you peace and abundant health!

