Yes, I have a Goddess Complex and Here’s why

Golden Goddess Alchemy
3 min readFeb 17, 2022

Recently, I was told I have a “God complex”. I know it was meant as a snide remark, but I lightheartedly accepted it as a compliment. Now I proudly own it as a “goddess complex”, because it’s ultimately a declaration of divinity. It’s a confidence I wear, and an awareness of all that I consciously co-create. I honor it as evidence of my connection to the divine feminine energy that I feel creation itself was birthed from.

But, what is a God(dess)?

I feel that a goddess is a dynamic vibration of many forces all at once. She is compelling, passionate, alluring, contradicting, confident, and vulnerable. Most of all, she attracts and interacts as if her life is a must-see movie where she is the breakout star.

Being in my “goddess” is a state of mind, a powerful frequency, and an alluring aura. I can destroy and transform old, stagnant energy with chaotic unpredictability. However, I can also re-emerge with a creative energy that brings forth new experiences that are truly exhilarating, such as loving relationships, works of art, beautiful surroundings, and the sweetness we may call the “honey” of life. This is the dual power of the goddess complex, demonstrating the healer and the destroyer within, and it’s complimentary and contradictory aspect.

How to Live Divine

