Goldma Team
3 min readSep 24, 2018

By Edmore Chikoore

Choices maketh man!! The power to choose has always been man’s gift from God and all decisions (good or bad) come because of the power of choice. In the booming industry of technology, there are many options to choose from. People face decision making every day. If Bill Gates did not drop out of University and build the legendary Microsoft cooperation, who knows where technology would be right now? But Bill made a choice!

The choice to use the waves DEX.

Goldma chose to list on the waves DEX long before Waves became what it is today. Why did Henry Jenkins choose the Waves Decentralised Exchange when there were other bigger and more popular exchanges to choose from? I would say it was one of those choices that maketh a man for Mr. Henry Jenkins.

Aside from its strategic partnerships with companies like Deloitte, the WavesDEX has real-world solutions for end users, businesses and developers. These range from the storage of digital assets, swift and secure trading on the (DEX) and running fraud-proof business logic (Waves smart contracts). At the core of the Waves decision was to ensure security for its users. The choice between centralized or decentralized exchanges presented itself and Goldma chose decentralization. reported that Waves is set to post some very impressive results after a promising tests by Marc Jansen:

I just pushed 100k transfers through the #wavesplatform TESTNET. About 4892 transfers per second. Proof? Check blocks 354731–354734. A detailed report will follow after I reproduced the experiment on MAINNET! ’Approaching 5,000 tx/s — and that’s before any further optimisation, and before off-chain scaling is implemented”.

Now we understand why choices either make or break men, this choice was a vision.

Your choice as an investor

When choosing a project to invest in, look for four basic outcomes:

1. Storing value.

2. Transferring value.

3. Getting a return on my investment.

4. Security.

Now that you know what standard to look for in a project, you need to make wise choices in this industry with a lot of companies offering the world to its investors. This might seem very difficult but it isn’t! This is one clear-cut decision to make if you are using the previously mentioned 4 guidelines. There is one asset that can provide all the choice determinant factors for investors. Gold! You know why? It can meet all the standards listed above because it provides the following:

1. Storing Value: Gold has been the most reliable store of value over 5000years.

2. Transferring Value: By digitizing gold profits, companies like Goldma are enabling gold to be divisible and safely transferable without borders.

3. Getting a return on Investment: Goldma pays out 5% royalties every quarter to its token holders in Ether, so while you store your value in your tradable GMA tokens you also get paid every quarter.

The power is in your Choice CHOOSE WISELY!!

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