Goldma Is Real

By Edmore Chikoore

Goldma Team
2 min readJul 27, 2018

The most important reason (apart from gold) that drew me to the Goldma ICO was the fact it is real. Most ICOs are only backed by an idea plus a very good pitch. Investors end up putting their money into a project with their fingers crossed, hoping what was pitched actually materialises.

Here is why I am saying the Goldma is real: Firstly and most importantly, Goldma has a productive gold mine which is the basis of the 5% per quarter royalties. The Sunrise mine has been operating and producing gold every day. The GMA token is a real gold royalty-backed token. There are other similar Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) which base their token on gold but have no pre-existing mining operation. Questions arise as one starts to hear stories like, ‘‘We don’t mine our gold but we are backing our token with gold produced by a mine we have an agreement with’’. In most cases, when you ask where the mine is located, chances are, you will not get an answer.

Some may ask, how do we know that Goldma actually has this mine it claims? The answer would be, Goldma has an open door policy and all big or small investors are invited to the mine to have an actual tour of the area. Top rated ICO expert Giovanni Lesna Maranetto came to Zimbabwe and visited our mine.

Real transparency is when a company invites you to tour their operation. Now that proves the operation exists. Real is when you speak to a Goldma Communications specialist on telegram and their identity checks out on LinkedIn an all social media platforms. It also helps to see those people on YouTube discussion videos. Lastly, seeing the same people in multiple pictures and videos at the actual mine shows they are not random pictures from the internet.

