10 Amazing Nutrition Foods You Should Eating To Build Lean Muscle : Bodybuilding

marry gold
2 min readFeb 17, 2018


What you take in can make or break your gains when it comes to true muscle growth. Here are 10 muscle-builders that you should know about.

When it comes to packing on pounds of pure, unadulterated muscle, diet is the single most important part of your overall bodybuilding program. You can workout all you want, but if your diet isn’t in check you will never achieve the physique of your dreams.

The body relies heavily on nutrients from the foods and supplements that you consume to help create an environment conducive to huge gains. Although there are an infinite number of choices out there, a select few muscle-builders come up time and time again on every true bodybuilder’s shopping list.


Although the recurring theme so far has been to eat foods that are low in fat, fish is one exception to this rule. Of course you want to stay away from saturated and trans fats, but your body still needs essential fatty acids such as omega-3 to help support the muscle-building process.


If you are serious about building muscle, you can’t ignore the power of beans and legumes. When people typically think of bodybuilding foods, they immediately refer to various lean meats, but what they don’t realize is that the bean is a delicious and highly nutritious source of protein and fiber.

