Top 10 Amazing Vegetable Diet Plan to Lose 1200 Calories in 7 Days : Body Building

marry gold
2 min readFeb 4, 2018


This diet plan includes cool stuff like fruits and vegetables. Everyone dreams of getting a perfect body shape and getting rid of unwanted body fat. By following a certain diet routine, you can surely say goodbye to your old look and discover a completely new self. Not only will you lose weight, but you will become healthier, more active and more energetic after this diet. So do not waste your time and follow your heart to at least follow this diet plan for 10 days and see the magic difference with this cool thing it does to your body.

During the first day your aim should be to detoxify your body and remove the impurities from your system. So you should try to include only fruits in your diet. Only including the fruits in the entire day will help you to flush out toxins from your body and it will cleanse the system for intake of the food in further days. Eat fruits that are high in water content and less in sugar content. Fruits such as watermelons, strawberries, pomegranates, apples and lemons are rich source of fibers and will help your digestive system to flush out toxins. Read More..

