Why the Rich People Play Golf?

Gloworm Sports & Events LLC
3 min readOct 29, 2018


Golf is a premium sport that is popularly considered a ‘rich man’s sport’, pertaining to the cost of playing golf. First of all, the gold equipment including the golf clubs, a golf bag, gloves, range finder, balls, and other assorted tools. or the sticks are very expensive. Then there’s the membership fee that you’d have to pay for playing in any particular golf course. The fee of golf courses varies from one course to another and can be around $500.

With advanced technology coming up with AR and VR, golf can be played at home too, a portable golf simulator makes it possible. While it is much cheaper to buy a portable golf simulator and play on it, it is still costly. However, the rich don’t play golf just because it is costly, there are many other reasons too.

Portable Golf Simulator

Here are a few reason why rich people play golf:

• The best days are yet to come. Not many rich people are found to be in the best body shape or in physical prime. And fortunately for them, more than a test of their physical fitness, the game of golf offers a test of their skills and fee. This makes it possible for them to achieve their personal best when they reach their 50s and 60s and beyond.

• The entry-barrier is high. When it comes to golf, the competitive advantages are experience and technique, more than agility, speed and fitness — these are the things that the rich people can easily get. And if you have paid for equipment, lessons and golf training, and the several rounds on the golf course, then an amateur athletic challenger who has less experience than you will be unlikely to beat you at it.

• It’s safe. Unlike the sports of skiing and biking (the other sports that the rich people engage in), the chances or risks of getting injured during a round of golf is very low. For more safety, one can choose to play miniature golf Atlanta, which is fun and more easily playable too.

• Your competition is against yourself. The rich people often tend to be very competitive, and hate losing. With golf, the advantage is that your competition is against yourself, as no one else is directly attempting or trying to prevent the other from doing what the other wants to do. Also, a round of golf with family can bring along fun outdoor games for kids too.

• Occasional great shots. An average person can never dunk a basketball or throw a 100 miles/hour fastball, but a normal man in his 60s may just as well play a great shot and make hole in one shot that he can later boast about in front of his colleagues and friends.

• Legitimacy. The rich people care about and want to associate themselves with things that are legitimate and high-quality, and don’t really care about acing in something that’s not very relevant. A sport that is sponsored by Rolex, covered on the front page of ESPN, involves the leading athletic brands — Adidas and Nike, and features several multi-million worth athletes is a legitimate sport. Not many legitimate sports options are available to the rich people that offers bragging rights, safety and an opportunity to excel.

