Playing Supaplex on the Miyoo Mini Plus

5 min readMar 17, 2024
Image source: Youtube

Supaplex holds nostalgic memories from my childhood, and when I got a Miyoo Mini Plus, I saw a perfect chance to relive those moments. Here, I’ll guide you through the setup and gameplay of Supaplex on your Miyoo Mini Plus running Onion OS.

Preparation on a Computer

This step is essential as it involves creating a player profile within the game, enabling you to proceed beyond the menu screen on your Miyoo Mini Plus. Without a player profile, you’ll be unable to progress in the game.

I completed this task on a Mac, but rest assured, the process should be quite similar on Windows or Linux.

Step 1: Download and Install Supaplex

1. Download Supaplex, search online for

2. Unzip the downloaded file.

Step 2: Install DOSBox

1. Download and install DOSBox suitable for your operating system from the DOSBox official website.

2. Launch DOSBox.

Step 3: Mount the Supaplex Folder

1. Mount the local Supaplex folder inside DOSBox by executing the following commands:

Z:\> MOUNT C ~/Downloads/splx-box
Z:\> C:

Step 4: Launch Supaplex

1. Launch the game by typing:

3 DOSBox commands to launch the game

2. Verify that you have the Speed Fix version 6.3. If not, search for and download the correct version.

Load screen, press space bar

3. Press the space bar on the load screen to proceed.

Step 5: Create a Player Profile

1. In the top left corner, click on “New Player.”

Add a player

2. Type your desired name and press Enter.

Set player name

3. Confirm that your name has been added successfully.

Confirm the player has been added

4. Press ESC to close the game.

Step 6: Finalize Player Profile

Two files have been created in the splx-box/SUPAPLEX directory:


Step 7: Prepare for Transfer

1. Compress/zip the splx-box folder.

2. Rename the zipped folder to

3. Copy it to your SD card under Roms/DOS. Do not extract it, as the device supports zipped files.

4. Optionally, if you want to include a preview image, save the below image to Roms/DOS/Imgs/Supaplex.png.

Onion OS preview image

Configuring the Miyoo Mini Plus

Ensure that the DOS emulator is enabled; you won’t need any BIOS files for this setup.

Step 1: Enable DOS Emulator in Onion OS

1. Navigate to Apps and open the Package Manager.

2. Enable Microsoft — DOS (DOSBox-Pure). If it’s already enabled, proceed to the next step.

3. Click Start twice to initiate the installation process.

Step 2: Add Supaplex

1. Navigate to Games and press Select.

2. Choose Refresh all roms and wait a moment.

3. You should now see MS-DOS added. Inside, locate Supaplex.

MS-DOS games on the Miyoo Mini Plus (Onion OS)

Now, Supaplex should be ready to start on your Miyoo Mini Plus.

First Launch

Let’s get started with Supaplex.

1. Open the game.

2. You’ll encounter a terminal screen displaying all executables. This is a one-time setup process.

Note: Unlike on a computer, avoid opening SUPAPL.DAT. It will run the game, but the device’s auto-save and auto-start features won’t function properly.

3. Select SUPAPLEX\SPFIX63.EXE and press the D-pad right. This action enables auto-start for all future launches of the game.

Set auto-start on SPFIX63.EXE

4. Press the Start button and the game should launch.

Game Menu

In the game menu, you’ll find yourself unable to manipulate the mouse pointer or select/skip levels. Progressing through levels is sequential, with the next level automatically selected upon completion of the current one. You can start the game, by simply pressing B.

Should you require any alterations or adjustments, you’ll need to revisit the computer setup process outlined earlier. Follow the same steps to implement any changes you desire.

If you know how to make the mouse pointer work on the Miyoo Mini Plus, please let me know!

Game Progress

Auto-save functionality should operate smoothly, especially when utilizing the Game Switcher feature.

For manual saving:

  • Press MENU + R2 to save.
  • Use MENU along with D-pad left or D-pad right to change save slots.
  • Load a save by pressing MENU + L2.


The default controls are preconfigured for seamless gameplay. Here’s a breakdown:

| Key    | Computer | Description                                                                                                       |
| ------ | -------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| D-pad | Arrows | Movement |
| A | P | Pause the game |
| B | Space | Holding detonates a red disk (if available); combined with arrow keys, removes infotrons or bases adjacent to you |
| X | Enter | Toggles the visibility of the user panel |
| Y | | |
| Select | ESC | Exits the game |
| Start | Enter | Toggles the visibility of the user panel |

Note: Right Shift is not configured by default. It displays the number of red disks you own. If required, you can manually configure the Y button to act as the Right Shift button.

Now you’re all set to delve into the world of Supaplex on your Miyoo Mini Plus handheld. Enjoy your gaming session!

