Day 18: I want to be my own person

Ms. Oghenefejiro
1 min readJan 18, 2024


I want to be happy

I want to stop living for people

I want a world that I can do what I want and not defend my choices to others

I am probably delulu ain’t I, but I know it isn’t impossible so I will keep fighting for what I want.


I woke up today with a shock, I couldn’t believe it, what just happened, do I sleep so deep…so I kept quiet and closed my mind the whole day processing the thought, trying to logical and breathe.

This post resonated with me.

Today wasn’t full of things, infact I don’t think I completed my yesterday post but I will be back about it.

Today was more on planning and resting and for some reasons I get tired and feel one kind of way but by God’s grace I’ll be alright.

I found out today through my thoughts a lot of things about me and I should probably stop them and I’ll try.

Anyway today’s entry is short so goodnight ❤️



Ms. Oghenefejiro

“Maybe if I write, people will understand me more” ~my introverted thoughts 💭