Demystifying the Multi-Attach Error for Volume: Causes and Solutions

shubham kumar singh
2 min readAug 24, 2023


When working with Kubernetes and managing pod volumes, encountering the “Multi-Attach error for Volume” can be puzzling and disruptive. This error typically occurs when dealing with Persistent Volume Claims (PVCs) and pods. In this blog, we delve into the root causes behind this error and explore effective solutions to mitigate its impact, ensuring the smooth operation of your applications in a Kubernetes environment.

Understanding the Multi-Attach Error: The “Multi-Attach error for Volume” emerges when you attempt to attach a PVC to a pod, but the volume is already in use by another pod. This scenario arises due to specific configurations that hinder the seamless allocation and release of PVCs. Let’s explore the core reasons behind this error:

  1. ReadWriteOnce (RWO) Configuration: One of the common culprits is configuring the PVC volume as ReadWriteOnce (RWO). This setting restricts the volume’s usage to a single pod at a time, preventing its sharing among multiple pods. When combined with a RollingUpdate strategy, the issue intensifies.
  2. RollingUpdate Strategy: Utilizing the RollingUpdate strategy for pod restarts leads to a situation where the old pod isn’t terminated until the new one is up and running. With RWO volumes, this poses a problem. The old pod clings to the PVC volume, preventing the new pod from initializing due to the RWO restriction.

Addressing the Issue: To resolve the Multi-Attach error, two categories of solutions can be considered: a workaround solution and a permanent solution.

  1. Workaround Solution:

a. To swiftly tackle the issue, consider scaling down the pod to 0 using the following command:

kubectl -n <namespace> scale deployment/<deployment_name> --replicas=0

After the scaling down, scale the replica count back to the desired value:

kubectl -n <namespace> scale deployment/<deployment_name> --replicas=<desired_replica>

2. Permanent Solutions:

a. Change Strategy to Recreate: If you’re using the RollingUpdate strategy, consider switching to the Recreate strategy. This ensures that the old pod is terminated before the new one is initiated, thereby releasing the PVC volume.


** However, be aware that this strategy may lead to application downtime during the transition.

b. Use StatefulSet instead of Deployment: Opt for a StatefulSet instead of a Deployment. The StatefulSet’s inherent design ensures ordered pod termination and startup, thereby eliminating the Multi-Attach error. Note that this solution might require additional PVC volumes.

c. Set Volume to ReadWriteMany (RWX): Consider configuring the PVC volume as ReadWriteMany (RWX) instead of ReadWriteOnce (RWO). This adjustment enables volume sharing among deployment pods, eradicating the Multi-Attach error.

d. Utilize EFS or NFS Volumes: For production workloads and services demanding seamless roll-out deployments and scaling, consider leveraging Elastic File System (EFS) or Network File System (NFS) volumes. These types of volumes inherently support multi-attach scenarios, allowing multiple pods to share a single volume without encountering the Multi-Attach error.
** However the above point would only be useful if you are using AWS EKS



shubham kumar singh

6 YOE , Associate Cloud Engineer - GCP and AWS certified Solutions Architect