How To Waste A Perfectly Good Day…

Gomati Sekhar
3 min readJan 23, 2024


…when you could’ve done so much!

1. Being organised

All your efforts go waste if you don’t plan what you’re going to do today. It’s not easy moving ahead without having a clear idea as to what’s the final objective or goal.

2. Making a ‘to-do’ list

I swear by a to-do list. Before you start the day, sit down for a few minutes, and write down the activities or things you want to attend on the day.

3. Setting aside blocks of time for each job

If you know what you’re doing, then you have a fair idea how much time it’s going to take. So, make sure you keep adequate time slot for it.

4. Avoid multi-tasking

Having too many things to do will result in the work not getting done properly. Your attention and effort both get stretched. So, deal with one thing at a time, or as per what is important.

5. Clearly prioritising without distractions

It’s easy to get distracted by other trivial things if your goals are not clear, or you don’t know what it is you’re doing. Be clear about your goals, or else your efforts may get diverted.

6. Having a clutter-free work area

Follow a system to keep your work area organised. Keep your schedule simple. Making too many entries, or scheduling one too many interlinked activities, can cause avoidable confusions and delays.

7. Searching for things

We don’t realise it, but a lot of time is wasted in searching for things because they’re not kept in the correct place, or don’t have a correct place! Sounds silly but think about all the time you‘ve spent on searching for documents, pens, paper clips, etc.

8. Planning in advance

How can you proceed with the day if you haven’t planned your day? You need to think about the sequence of steps to be taken to go through the day and complete the work.

9. Dilly-dallying or indecisiveness

Procrastination results from not planning and organising your work. No point postponing it. It only adds to the pile of work to be dealt with later. Rather do it ASAP and get it over with.

10.Watching TV / social media to fill time gaps

This is the topper! Don’t get into the habit of watching TV because you’re bored or can’t figure out what to do next. Sitting mindlessly and watching reruns, or scrolling through the various social media sites, can result in losing precious time.

11.Checking emails repeatedly

Reading and rereading emails may make you ‘look’ busy but it’s wasting your time, if you don’t take the required action. Either stop procrastinating and deal with it or move on.

12.Grouping your errands or work

If you’re headed towards a particular area and if you plan your errands or work, then it can be done at the same time. This saves you making multiple trips to the same place or area.

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Gomati Sekhar

Sharing lessons I've learned over the years from my experiences in different work environments. In short sharing bits of me as the words pour out.