The Time Thief Within: Unmasking Time Management Blunders That Derail Your Success Express

Gomati Sekhar
4 min readDec 7, 2023


We each have 24 hours to do what we want to with our lives.

Then how is that some are able to pack their day with so much while some never seem to have enough time to meet most of the targets?

The secret is time management.

For all those working extra hard for extra hours to catch up, go through the mistakes listed out to see how to avoid them and improve your efficiency.

Mistake #1: Procrastination and Task Delay

You can’t behave like an ostrich and hope when you get your head out, the work will be done.

Doesn’t work that way.

Postponing or procrastinating is not the solution to anything.

If anything it adds to the problem. It piles up the work and creates stress.

If the quantum of work is overwhelming, break it into smaller bits. Each part will be easier to deal with. Set up deadlines for each of the smaller tasks.

Or you can try the Pomodoro method. Take regular small breaks after a good chunk of time working. This allows you to refresh your tired mind.

The outcome of these steps will be improved efficiency, more work getting completed, smoother workflow, meeting deadlines and, finally, lesser stress.

Mistake #2: Ineffective Planning and Lack of Prioritization

What do you plan to do today?

What are you going to work on?

Any deadlines looming around?

The answer for all these will be at your fingertips if you’ve planned your work.

List out the priorities for the day, week, month. Not planning the work for the day is the biggest mistake you can make.

This is one area of life where going with the flow does not work.

Planning your work helps you to assess and assign the correct priority to your work.

Use productivity tools like the Eisenhower matrix to remove the fluff. Get into the habit of keeping a planner or organiser. Digital or physical, your choice.

Begin your day with listing down the jobs for the day. As each task gets crossed, it’ll give you a deep sense of satisfaction. Also it’s time well used.

Mistake #3: Multitasking as a Time Management Strategy

Multitasking is a myth.

To produce quality work, take on one task at a time, giving it your complete focus and attention. Believe me, you’ll be able to finish it faster too.

Allot time blocks to each of the task once you’ve listed down the priority task for the day.

No more shuttling between task, no more wasting time. Take one task one at a time and be done with it.

You will notice improvement in the quality of work and your focus. The number of errors reduce; so, no more reworks. And finally more work gets done in lesser time.

Mistake #4: Ignoring Time-Sinks and Overcommitting

Don’t overcommit. You know how much you can handle.

People will be more than willing to have someone take some of the load of their hands. And while they enjoy after hours, you’ll be stuck doing the extra work for no extra payment.

Work smarter.

You have the same amount of time as the others. Plan your work and assign enough time for each. This will ensure that you’re able to produce quality work and meet the deadline.

Another benefit of this time allocation will be that you no longer will underestimate the time for each task. Instead you will have more time to go over and make changes if needed.

Time to rethink your time management strategies.

Mistake #5: Resistance to Delegating and Seeking Help

Unless you are a solopreneur, you don’t have to do everything by yourself.

Each member of the team has an equal responsibility to complete their tasks. Let others do their bit.

And there’s no shame in delegating some parts to others. You can make good use of their skill sets to get the work done efficiently.

If at any point you feel the need for assistance, just ask.

You rather get the job done in the time allotted or waste hours trying to do it by yourself. It’s your choice but I have a feeling you will choose the former option. Smart!

Both delegating tasks and asking for assistance are great time savers, directly affecting your productivity and efficiency.

Mistake #6: Neglecting Breaks and Self-Care

Don’t hesitate to take a break. You deserve it.

Sitting long hours and working continuously can be exhausting. Get up, walk around, do some stretches to get the blood circulation back, relax your sore back muscles.

Don’t be embarrassed to take a break, as long as it’s a small break and not running into hours.

The short breaks will refresh your tired eyes, resuscitate your imagination, and infuse fresh energy into you. Or else it can lead to burnout and we don’t want to go there!

Mistake #7: Failing to Review and Adjust Strategies

Now that you are aware of the areas that need your attention, review your time management strategies.

What can you do differently to use time more productively?

How can you apply the new ideas of time management?

What did you do wrong the last time?

How to avoid them?

Why did you not get the results you wanted?

Ask yourself some hard questions to find the right answers. And then rework your time management strategies to get more juice out of them.


Those who understand how to use time to their advantage, are the ones who go places. They use the time effectively to get the maximum work done.

This reduces the stress of meeting deadlines or of completing the work on time.

Choose your pace and decide how you want to go about it. But remember to give time management the priority.

That’s a confirmed way to move ahead.



Gomati Sekhar

Sharing lessons I've learned over the years from my experiences in different work environments. In short sharing bits of me as the words pour out.