How to Skyrocket Sales for Your Small Business

Craig Gomes
8 min readApr 5, 2020


Do you want to skyrocket the sales of your business? Here’s a complete guide that will help you get started.

Do you have a business idea that you want to explore in your current market? While doing so can seem so easy, there is more things to do than just starting a business. Maybe it has crossed your mind that you will get your name from the “traditional marketing” you are informed about — like cold emails, cold calls, and networking. Has it crossed your mind that you might even need a website?

Websites help your business in a very big way. Contrary to what people think, building a websites is not complex. You might need to lose some extra dollars but it is worth it. Once you set your website, be ready as clients will start streaming at any time. Before marketing your products, performing a google search is an activity that is recommended by successful business persons. This helps in discovering if there are any new marketing methods in the market.

While getting yourself clients can be overwhelming, things like SEO, retargeting ads and funnels can make them easily access your website. With the help of these techniques, clients will flock your website and you need to up your game to meet their expectations. You should test all the marketing strategies that you come across with. You might not get any help through the strategies but giving up should not be an option. You can also try hiring experts in the marketing field who might give you tips on how to increase your market leads.

Influence marketing can help increase your sales in a very surprising way. Marketers should be persuasive enough such that they can convince others to adopt their perspective. If you believe that working out gives you a perfect body besides building muscles, convince others too. When persuading them, learn to appeal to their emotions. In the market today, the influential people make more sales. This is not because their products are perfect, it is because people find them credible enough and their opinions are trusted by people.

You are a product, sell yourself. As a marketer, you have to tell people the value of the product you are selling. Before customers buy the product or service you are selling, they first have to find you, someone, they will not regret working with. To sell yourself, you can consider email marketing, landing pages or content marketing. However, each of the three will be effective if you first sell yourself. While selling yourself can be easy, standing out among many marketers of the same product is a big task.

When marketing a product, marketers should know that they are not selling the benefits but the features. Products do not sell because of their features rather because of their benefits. The benefits and features of a product should be clearly explained when marketing a product or service. If you are selling with benefits, customers will view you as a transparent person. You should show your customers how their needs will be met by the product you are advertising. Customers will only spend their money on things that will ease their life or make their lives better. Benefits are what the customers want and they are what you can do with a product while features are what the product can do.

If you are resilient and determined to grow your business, you will surely do that. Most marketing companies today do not know why they are in the market and that can make you stand out if you have a plan. Currently, a good number of marketing companies do not use the “law of averages” approach for their survival. They only think that the best way of communicating with their customers is by sending them flyers as they think that will give them leads. Once in awhile the flyers might be of help but are they efficient?

Marketers should be informed of the outdated tactics that have played a big role in the marketing sector. Besides leading to observable positive changes in the market, these tactics are also leading to the closure of some businesses. In this current world and age, the flyers are still in use but more expensive options are in use like Google Ads. A marketer who is starting finds this helpless but later on, they realize how efficient this can be.

Understanding the “law of leverage” can be difficult but with the help of these 5 steps, everything will seem so easy and you will come up with amazing results if you comply.

What Do You Know About Your Market?

Coming from different places and backgrounds, giving advice that everyone will reason might be difficult. Therefore, everyone should have an example that they can easily relate to. Let’s take the example of a gym. I think this is a place where we can all start since we relate. Later on, we can use the principles used and apply them to our businesses. Gym owners struggle a lot of marketing their business.

If a marketer gives you some details about the campaigns he has conducted previously, you will know whether he has been using the “law of leverages” or not. If the marketer has been using the “law of leverages”, they need a talk from experienced personnel. The personnel will advise on how to find the ‘best’ target for his services or products. Chances are that no one will have told you where to find the best target for your business, just like most marketers are not aware.

If you work with the wrong marketing company, you will think that everyone around you is a target customer. However, if you have this mentality, it is almost impossible for you to emerge successful in the marketing process. If you want to maneuver your way through the “law of leverages”, you should have a specific target market in mind. With this, the marketing process will not only be easier but also effective.

Different businesses have different targets. In the example of the gym, marketers can have two groups of people they are targeting. The first category incorporating people who have wished to join gyms but have not or anyone who is thinking of joining a gym and has not yet joined one. The second category can be comprised of people who are in gyms already but they want some change or are not satisfied with their current gym. On most occasions, the first category will comprise most of your customers but the second category should not be underestimated too.

Uncover Your Biggest Obstacle!

Different businesses have different obstacles. Marketers are advised to focus on one segment at a time if they wish to find their biggest article. Obstacles prevent your market from being progressive. Consequently, all markets should have the goal of getting rid of this obstacle. The obstacle will differ depending on the segment you are focusing on. The obstacle can be in different lines like; you do not want to market a gym that has a similar problem like your previous e.g. small working out space.

The two categories of target markets have different obstacles. In the second category, their obstacle might be overcrowding or not enough equipment. In the first category, obstacles will be different. To date, most marketers think that price is what makes their market outstanding. This is why we see gyms giving out flyers giving ‘free month offs’ and ‘discounts’. While this might increase their chances of getting more customers, they will not have gotten rid of their obstacle which will help them get even more customers.

The law of leverages might help you get more customers through pricing but you should know what your biggest obstacle is. In the gym situation, most newbies do not understand what they should do once they lay their first step in the gym. Most marketers use different tactics as a way of enticing their market. However, it should be noted that when marketers overcome their obstacles, they will reach a larger market. Discovering your obstacle helps a lot during the marketing process.

Remove Obstacles

Finding what can remove your obstacle can be a task. However, the efforts are worth it since when you get rid of the obstacle, marketing becomes very easy. To begin with, it would be wise to list down anything that you think can help in removing the obstacle like e-books and training courses. Such resources can be helpful but it is good to start with the minute resources which will first help tackle the small obstacles.

Marketers who start using small options for removing their obstacles gain a lot from that. These small ways can be shown to everyone doing the marketing and they will understand the fundamentals of the remover. The marketers can form a “mini-boot camp”. It is in the boot camp that the members are told everything and they are made to understand its importance. If the boot camp has a goal, getting leads becomes very easy. The members can come up with different ways of reaching their target market.

Bootcamp Services

One thing that all marketers should be aware of during the marketing process is that during all campaigns they should be promoting something that helps in removing the obstacle. This should be done because if people sign up for the next step, which more often than not is a free consultation, they will remove the obstacle on their own. Those who strive to do so will be the less percentage. The other greater percentage will not move forward.

Some marketers will keep on investing in flyers and supplying them to people yet they will not sign up for your services. A question that marketers should ask themselves is why the greater percentage is not moving forward with you. Is it because of the obstacles? If the obstacles are the reason they are not moving forward, you should resolve to spend less money on flyers and spend more on ads that will help in removing the obstacle. Once the obstacle has been removed, you will notice a significant increase in the number of customers.

The gym marketers, after knowing what the biggest obstacle is, can decide to promote their boot camp using a Facebook ad. After launching a creative ad, they should let results start pouring in. You can try checking the results after a week to gauge yourself. On most occasions, you will realize that tremendous change will occur after the launch of the ad. Also, huge profits will be realized.

Full Membership

Marketers call this stage “sales”. Despite this being the easiest part of the process, many people go wrong here. People will fail because they either are not courageous enough to offer the sale just like new customers are afraid to ask or they become so aggressive in it and this puts people off as they are scared. At this point, all that is needed is letting people know how they can get full membership if interested.

With the obstacle not being in existence, the members will not hesitate to join. That was what they were expecting, a membership that has no obstacles. After getting rid of the obstacle, you can market that you are currently accepting new members and some officials are signing up people. The boot camps used can help a lot in adding to the profits you receive. While ads might be expensive and can take you some time to develop, they will benefit your business a lot in the long run.


Most small business owners go wrong since despite having digital marketing, they do not know how to use it and incorporate it into their business. They try doing what every other business person is doing and that might not give you good sales. What business owners need to know is how to start and set up a true business campaign. Once marketers are knowledgeable about this area, the results will be visible and the business will grow.



Craig Gomes

Turning dreams into reality. CEO & Founder, Pixelvise