Miles Gomm
3 min readJul 1, 2018


Financial institutions have been responsible for distributing credit to their subscribers around the world. Negative world politics are being run by people who have the finances to compete as candidates. Financial institutions formed as part of their description is to bring simplicity into the financing of an individual who is interested in receiving money from financial institutions, but vice versa is always the case. in this respect.

What is DCC?

Credit Chain Distributions (DCC) as its name implies is a platform for an alphabetic character-centric credit system. It is designed to solve the problems caused by centralized credit systems by implementing a centralized alphabetic characterization system. As an alternative to traditional credit systems, the alphabetic characterization system provides:

Elimination of monopolies and profiteers.
Improve data authentication and reduce the cost of data used.
Carry out a standardized data market.
Proper protection of personal information.
Opportunity for individuals to own and manage their data without third-party verification and misuse.
Risk control measures Reliable via anti-fraud and modeling algorithms.
Positive feedback.
With the above capabilities of the centralized alphabetic credit system, DCC will develop a highly effective credit system for the benefit of the world.


  • This platform uses a centralized alphabetic character accounting system (DCCID) created through a public key pair. DCCID is provided to each individual or organization on a platform. It acts as a member ID. It contains different properties that can be used to identify each user.
  • DCC brings the evolution of personal credit exchange by allowing individuals to manage, store and use their personal data using DIV (Identity Identification canopy). DIV helps prevent data manipulation by using digital signatures and digital alerts. It also provides the opportunity for data service organizations to provide individuals with quality data services rather than archiving and misuse of data, thereby generating profits.
  • The platform provides a blockchain-based loan process in which string data is used to maintain the loan process.
  • Other DCC benefits include:
  • Encourage the system to accumulate credits.
  • Cross-border credit information.
  • Redistribute the benefits of the ecosystem.
  • Reforming credit costs
  • Conclude
  • In short, I would like to say that the project really solves a very serious problem related to lending around the world. The plus point of the project is that people from all over the world can use their platform. And of course the fact that tantalum will be on the block, where everything is open and transparent.

Whitepaper: http://dcc.finance/file/DCCwhitepaper.pdf

ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3209215


Telegram: https://t.me/DccOfficial

Twitter: https://twitter.com/DccOfficial2018/

