How to find innovative ideas?

Goncalo Gordo
2 min readFeb 22, 2018


The eternal question: how to find a truly innovative idea that will change the world for the better?

I’m not an expert in finding greatly innovative ideas (at least not before someone else has already found them…). But I’d like to share with you an approach I’ve recently came across which is very promising and that I’m currently putting into practice.

It’s this simple: find an untested playground and then play.

Precisely what the famous band OK Go does to come up with the extremely creative and award winning video clips for their songs.

What this means is to find an area that hasn’t been thoroughly explored yet, where it’s safe to explore. This way you can try several ideas that no one has tried before without fear of failure and judgement. An untested playground.

Most ideas won’t work out. But that’s OK, because if you keep playing, you’ll soon find ideas that do. Maybe one of those will be completely revolutionary and end up changing the world for the better!

Deep learning is one of those uncharted areas with a lot of untried ideas. This is something I’m currently exploring. I’ll let you know in case I find any truly innovative ideas. Specially the ones to improve our healthcare systems :)

A special thank you to inesvanmuysen for her amazing help and feedback on this story!



Goncalo Gordo

Using data to improve healthcare • Founder @Healthy_Labs