This is what I do that could help you live longer

Goncalo Gordo
2 min readOct 5, 2017


I knew my lifestyle could be healthier but I wasn’t sure what to do exactly or how much I could benefit.

It was time to enjoy the comfy armchair while perusing scientific articles about lifestyle and longevity.

Based on what I found, this is what I do now:

1) 300min of vigorous exercise per week (mostly running, push-ups and sit-ups) because it is associated with a 39% lower mortality risk, based on this scientific review which included 80 scientific studies and 1.3m participants

2) don’t smoke because it is associated with a 40% lower mortality risk, based on this scientific review which included seven scientific studies and 1.1m participants

3) don’t drink alcohol because it is associated with a 24% lower mortality risk, based on this scientific review which included 87 scientific studies and 4m participants

4) eat seven servings of nuts per week because it is associated with a 20% lower mortality risk, based on this scientific review which included two scientific studies and 175k participants

5) eat nine servings of fruit and veggies per day because it is associated with a 26% lower mortality risk, based on this scientific review which included 16 scientific studies and 800k participants

6) eat five servings of whole grain per day because it is associated with a 24% lower mortality risk, based on this scientific review which included 45 scientific studies and 700k participants

7) don’t eat processed meat because it is associated with a 35% lower mortality risk, based on this scientific review which included six scientific studies and 925k participants

8) sit 5h per day because it is associated with a 27% lower mortality risk, based on this scientific review which included six scientific studies and 600k participants

9) drinking coffee is associated with up to 18% lower mortality risk, based on this scientific review which included 21 scientific studies and 1m participants but I don’t drink because it affects my sleep

10) there’s also this scientific review which included 35 scientific studies and 1.5m participants showing that sleeping 7h per night is associated with a 20% lower mortality risk but I can’t function properly without 8–9h/night

And that’s it! Now you also know all the things that could help you live significantly longer! Enjoy :)

A special thank you to inesvanmuysen for her help and feedback on this story!



Goncalo Gordo

Using data to improve healthcare • Founder @Healthy_Labs