Create a Live Dashboard with Python and Streamlit

Gonçalo Chambel
13 min readSep 2, 2022

Digitalizing your information is becoming more and more important specially for big corporations. Having your clients’ data stored somewhere you can easily access and obtain key metrics within a couple of seconds, is a key factor to test your product-market fit.

In this article, I will show you how you can very easily create a live dashboard to show all the data you want, with Python. This is what I will be showing you how to do.

All the files used in this tutorial are available here.

Edit: I have uploaded an article detailing how you can use Streamlit and Firebase to develop a full stack application in Python. This way, you don’t need to have your data stored locally. Make sure to check it out here.

Step 1: Get the data

If you are working on a real product with real data, you would ideally download you data (as a .csv file) and use that. However, for the sake of this tutorial I generated a csv file containing about 2000 rows of information of fictional people. You can get it here. I…



Gonçalo Chambel

I write about programming tutorials related to anything between Space and Machine Learning