I asked ChatGPT to make predictions about our future. Here are the answers

Gonçalo Chambel
5 min readFeb 7, 2023


At this point, I assume everyone is familiar with ChatGPT and it’s impressive ability to output credible and concise responses. You can pretty much ask it anything, even ask it to write you a program to solve a task, and the answer will most likely be something very accurate.

In sum, ChatGPT can accomplish a lot, but in this article I wanted to challenge it to make some predictions about our future and here are the answers.

Question 1: What do you think will be the future of programming?

“As a language model AI, I do not have personal opinions, but based on current trends and advancements in technology, the future of programming will likely be characterized by:

  • Increased use of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning algorithms to automate routine tasks, improve software development processes, and make code more efficient.
  • The growing importance of data science and the integration of data analysis and visualization tools into software development.
  • The rise of low-code/no-code platforms and tools, which will allow non-technical individuals to build applications without extensive programming experience.
  • Continued growth of cloud computing, which will lead to increased use of microservices and serverless architecture.
  • Greater emphasis on security and privacy, which will drive the development of new technologies to better secure applications and protect sensitive data.

All of these trends are likely to change and evolve over time, so it is impossible to predict with certainty what the future of programming will look like.”

There are some very interesting key points here mainly the rise of AI in automation of simple tasks and the rise of low-code/no-code softwares. All of these “predictions” are already somewhat in place so this answer is expected. Nonetheless, I completely agree with these predictions! What about you?

Question 2: What do you think will be future of Healthcare?

“The future of healthcare is likely to be shaped by several key trends, including:

  • Increased use of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to improve patient outcomes, support medical research, and streamline administrative processes.
  • Greater integration of digital technologies, such as telemedicine and wearable devices, to provide more convenient and accessible care to patients.
  • Expansion of personalized medicine, where treatments and diagnoses are tailored to the individual based on their genetic information and other health data.
  • Growth of precision medicine, which uses advanced technologies and genomic data to more effectively target and treat diseases.
  • Increased focus on preventative care and population health, with an emphasis on addressing the root causes of chronic conditions rather than just treating symptoms.
  • The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is likely to drive further innovation and transformation in healthcare, with a greater emphasis on virtual care and digital health solutions.

Overall, the future of healthcare will likely involve a continued trend towards the use of technology to improve patient outcomes, increase access to care, and reduce costs.”

Once again, very accurate predictions in my opinion. I actually work in the digitization of the healthcare sector so this answer is very related to what I’m trying to do so if ChatGPT says it, im going to believe it :)

If I were to make a prediction myself about the future of healthcare would be the customization of the treatments to every patient — a patient centered healthcare — which is what ChatGPT mentioned on the third point.

Question 3: Where do you image humankind to be in 100 years from now?

“As an AI language model, I don’t have personal beliefs or imaginations, but it’s impossible to predict the exact state of humankind 100 years from now with certainty. However, it is likely that several technological and societal developments will play a significant role in shaping the future. Some possible trends include:

  • Further advancements in Artificial Intelligence, robotics, and automation that will transform many aspects of daily life and work.
  • Greater progress in renewable energy and sustainability, as efforts to address climate change and preserve natural resources continue.
  • Continued growth of the global economy, accompanied by increased globalization and interconnectivity.
  • Advances in biotechnology and medicine that could lead to major breakthroughs in health and longevity.
  • Increased use of virtual and augmented reality technologies, which could transform the way people interact with the world and each other.
  • Shifts in geopolitical power and changes in the global order, as new actors emerge and existing ones adapt to changing circumstances.

These are just a few examples of the many factors that could influence the future of humankind over the next 100 years. Ultimately, the future will be shaped by a complex interplay of technological, economic, political, and social factors, and it is difficult to predict exactly what it will look like.”

I find it funny how in every answer, ChatGPT always includes a disclaimer saying that it cannot have opinions on matters. Anyway, once again this is a very general but sound answer. Most of the key takeaways are things that are already set in motion such as the increased use of renewable energies or the quality-of-life improvements that AI can provide. It is natural that the future should at least include a improved “version” of these.

My own opinion on these answers and the ability of ChatGPT to make these predictions

In my opinion these answers are about what you would expect from someone that has an overall common sense, but doesn’t like to give strong opinions about anything, fearing they will not come true.

There isn’t anything written in the answers that could surprise you because in reality, most of the answers are things that are already increasing in demand, so it is only natural that one would predict that their demand will continue to increase.

Are ChatGPT predictions accurate? Well, it only predicted an increase on things that are already increasing so technically yes. I’ts like betting that a certain soccer team will probably win because they have won the past games .

Can ChatGPT predict the future? Well… no. I think that is obvious.

Should you ask ChatGPT to make predictions? Well in my opinion yes! In my case the answers it gave were already familiar to me but that is beacuse I’m very close to all of them, I like those topics so I naturally know more things about them.

However this could a perfeect opportunity for you to get familiarized with a certain topic because the predictions that ChatGPT makes are based on what is currently being used, which will most likey still be used in the next couple of years.

Let me know your opinion on these topics and if you agree with ChatGPT’s answers!



Gonçalo Chambel

I write about programming tutorials related to anything between Space and Machine Learning