Types of FDM 3DPrinters

Aditya Gonella
5 min readOct 26, 2021


As discussed in the previous blog, now, let's discuss the various types of FDM 3D printers available in the market in detail.


Let us start with the cartesian FDM 3D printers. These are the most common design among the consumer desktop models. The XYZ coordinate system is known as the Cartesian system. In 3D printing, these coordinates determine the position of the nozzle.

Image of a cartesian FDM 3D Printer

source: https://i0.wp.com/www.3dsourced.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Cartesian-3D-printer.jpg?resize=700%2C400&ssl=1

The Cartesian 3D printers rely on one or more electrical motors along each axis. They have a rectangular build plate area and usually a square-shaped moving print bed. The moving components for these printers can be quite heavy. Therefore making sudden direction changes creates a problem at higher speeds. This issue can lead to inaccurate depositions and even a failure print of the model. But still, the Cartesian 3D printers have the simplest movement of all systems. Now, let’s know about the second type of 3D Printers.


The CORE XY FDM 3d Printers, which make use of a rather complicated timing belt assembly for lateral movement. CORE XY 3D printers use a unique movement mechanism although they work within a Cartesian coordinate system. The lateral movement in XY directions is driven by two motors and long timing belts. The vertical movement (Z-axis) is done solely by the build plate and is always in a downward direction.

source https://top3dshop.com/image/catalog/blog/3d-printers-with-different-kinematics-comparison-advantages-and-disadvantages/1_img14.jpg

While CoreXY 3D printers have numerous advantages, they have the ability to handle printing at much higher speeds. Having fewer and lighter moving parts enables faster hot-end movement and printing overall. The motors which are responsible for the XY movement are stationary and attached to the printer’s frame. This reduces the vibration significantly, which also contributes to faster and high-quality printing.
However, we should not rely too much on long-timing belts. They can turn out to be an issue as they must always be aligned and tensioned. The decrease in tension of the belts can lead to inaccurate movements and can lead print failures. The overly tensioned belts will also increase wear and tear greatly. Now let’s move on to the third type of 3D Printers.


There are DELTA FDM 3D printers that are completely different from the cartesian system. These printers employ a unique mechanism for movement, known in the industry as “Delta Robot”. The hot end in these machines is attached to three moving arms connected to separate vertical rails. Since the hot end movement is performed by all three arms simultaneously, none of these moving arms corresponds to any individual axis(x,y,z)

Image of an delta FDM 3D printer

source: https://www.corexz.com/delta%20schematics.png

The kinematics of delta printers are not so common when compared to Cartesian printers. Still, this system is based on linear vertical movement performed individually by each arm. The calibrations provide very accurate and precise movements. Delta printers have quite stationary circular build plates. And these printers are best suited for printing circular models. The three arms will be moving simultaneously and help in printing the model.
Their unique design helps in cases of long heights and is usually employed when printing taller objects. At the same time, the smaller XY dimensions can be quite limiting. These printers are difficult to calibrate and troubleshoot due to their higher complexity. Now, let’s know about some interesting 3D Printers that don’t rely on the Cartesian coordinate system at all for positioning.

While some 3D printers require a cartesian coordinate system for positioning, there are some which require a single linear dimension and two angles for an accurate position of an object in space. Such 3D printers have been given the name “POLAR” 3D printer. This very primordial design permits the creation of large build volumes with greater space efficiency(i.e. Less space). Different variations can be applied to these printers, and in some cases, both the hot end and circular plate can spin around for XY positioning. Now let’s discuss a 3D Printer that uses robotic arms to perform its movement.

Image of a Polar 3D printer


SCARA 3D printer is a much complex design of FDM printers that uses ‘Selective Compliance Assembly Robot Arm’. A robotic arm (two-link arm) is used to perform the XY movement while the vertical (Z-axis) movement is usually done entirely by the build plate. Here, the coupled motion of two individual motors that are used to drive the robotic arms allows the positioning of the hot end to be within the XY plane. A keynote here is that these printers can be fast but require high-quality moving joints for effective and efficient functioning. We have been using the word Linear Motion System for a very long time right! Now let’s discuss it in detail.

Image showing the difference between 4 major 3D Printers and their movements.

source: https://ars.els-cdn.com/content/image/1-s2.0-S0260877417300730-gr2.jpg

In the next blog, we are going to know the linear motion involved in a 3D Printer and the elements contributing to the linear motion in detail.

Meet you in the next part of my series!!🙂

