Thank you for your continued support and stay safe from scammers!

2 min readFeb 18, 2018


First of all, we would like to thank you all for your continued support. We now have over 70,000 members in our Telegram channel (, and over 40,000 twitter followers ( Our community would not be so vibrant without your help and belief.

We have been busy working hard on GoNetwork’s first version (source code will be released with the first version) and doing all the legal due diligence.

With success comes interest from bad actors. So we want you to be careful. There are some scammers who are impersonating our email address, website, telegram admins, etc.

Please remember! We will never reach out to anyone in private, via email/PM, to offer ETH address for token sale. Our KYC/AML has not started yet. We will not accept anyone’s purchase without KYC/AML check.

We have not yet conducted any form of tokensale and we have not authorized any third party to act on our behalf on the sale of GoTokens.

We have only one official website, which is We will not advertise our token sale or our website in any ad network, so, if you see any sites claiming themselves to be us and listed under Google Ads, Facebook Ads or any other ads, then they are scams.

IMPORTANT: When we release any news or info about our token sale, we will post about it in the following social channels:

1. Our official website:

2. Our official twitter page:

3. Our official telegram announcement channel:

To confirm that a message is official, make sure you check all the three social channels. For token sale, we will also be releasing a video where our CEO, Rashid Khan and our COO, Xun Cai will be confirming its validity. Make sure you check all our social channels to keep yourself safe from scammers.

Please report to us if you find anything suspicious (spam email, fake website, fake ads, etc). Email us at tokensale [at] of any suspicious activity.

There is also some good news! We have been successful in closing down some fraudulent websites and fake social media accounts. We’d like to express our thanks to our community members, a range of different domain providers and local legal authorities who have been helping us protect our community. We are working on getting the fake websites, spam accounts and fake ads that are still active deleted.

Always double check or triple check any token sale related info that you receive. It’s important that we stay safe and away from any fraudulent acts. Let’s work together to report those scammers and keep our community safe!




A highly scalable, low cost mobile first network infrastructure for Ethereum. Winning team at #ETHWaterloo, the worlds largest Ethereum hackathon.