The Morning Habit That Changed my Life

Gonzalo Sánchez
2 min readMay 3, 2016


I opened my eyes, and a looked at my Philips Wake Up Light. 9am. A sudden feeling of panic took over. I had a ton of things to do, and I was already 2 hours behind.

I knew this was coming. I had snoozed the shit out of my alarm clock.

I grabbed a quick breakfast (not what I had in mind) and sit down in my kitchen table (not where I work). I opened my 2012 Macbook Pro and clicked on the Mailbox icon in my dock.

Worst. Decision. Ever.

What followed was 10 hours of frantic reacting to external input, instead of actually getting shit done.

That’s when I realized that I had to do something.

I remembered Tim Ferris casually mentioning that a great anxiety cure was making your bed as soon as you wake up (he talks about it in his podcast). This ensures that even if your day was crap, at least you had control over something.

Problem is… I absofuckinlutely hate making my bed. But I knew there had to be something else. Something task that provided the same effect.

And that’s when it hit me. Reading.

For the next 5 days, I read for 15–20 minutes after breakfast, and before I opened my laptop.

It felt amazing.

When you pause life for 15 minutes and read, you trick your mind into believing that you actually have the luxury and time of doing it (even if you don’t). In return, you approach your day with focus and tranquility.

What’s even better is that it doesn’t matter what you are reading. I was reading about a guy who decided to follow the Bible literally for one year. And it worked.

This might not be the ultimate solution. But if you work from home, and have trouble managing your daily routine, it’s a damn good one.

Thanks for reading! I genuinely 😍 ️feedback and great conversation, so feel free to tweet me, or comment below.



Gonzalo Sánchez

Argentino in Paris. Growth, content and product marketing 🍺☕️ ✈️⚽️📚🏋🏻