DuetAI — Why use it?

Gonzalo Galante
4 min readSep 14, 2023


Google launched DuetAI, a tool that in its own words, under the Cloud ecosystem…

Built on top of Google’s leading large foundation models, Duet AI is specially trained to help you be more productive on Google Cloud. Duet AI in Google Cloud leverages the Vertex AI platform to provide personal and contextualized AI assistance while keeping your data private and secure.”

Assisted data analysis

Get answers faster to your data analysis questions

Quickly become productive with new datasets by generating and iterating queries with natural language, or understand complex queries faster with plain language AI summarizations.

Assisted operations

Operate infrastructure and applications more effectively

Seek expert level insights on best practices, fast-track your troubleshooting experience, and fix incidents quickly with code and conversational assistance from Duet AI.

Assisted data science

Better productivity with code completion and generation

Makes it easier to build AI/ML models in Python, reducing the need to write repetitive code, so you can focus on your data and models.

Assisted database management

Simplify the development journey across your databases

In Cloud Spanner, you can get code suggestions to structure, modify, or query your data — generated from natural language.

Assisted security management

AI-assisted security analysis and remediation

Suggestions paths to solve your application code challenges and provide expert guidance directly in your IDEs.

Assisted interoperability

Create APIs and integrations from natural language prompts

Developers can now build APIs and integrations using simple natural language prompts.

On the other hand, for the millions of workspace users

Examples of use are…

  • Writing emails: When you’re writing an email, DuetAI can suggest keywords, phrases, and sentences to use. It can also help you proofread your work for grammar and spelling errors.
  • Creating presentations: When you’re creating a presentation, DuetAI can help you organize your ideas and create slides that are visually appealing. It can also help you find relevant images and videos to include in your presentation.
  • Taking notes: When you’re in a meeting, DuetAI can take notes for you. It can also transcribe your meeting so you can focus on the discussion.
  • Attending meetings: If you can’t attend a meeting, DuetAI can attend on your behalf and take notes for you. It can also summarize the meeting for you and identify action items.
  • Managing spreadsheets: When you’re working with a spreadsheet, DuetAI can help you analyze your data and identify trends. It can also help you create charts and graphs to visualize your data.
  • Improve Google Docs: Get help with writing: DuetAI can help you write better documents by suggesting keywords, phrases, and sentences to use. It can also help you proofread your work for grammar and spelling errors. Improve your document structure by suggesting headings, subheadings, and paragraphs. It can also help you identify and remove unnecessary content. Find relevant information from the web and add it to your document.


DuetAI will allow us to improve our productivity both in Workspace and Cloud. In my opinion, the latter is a great differential, since the learning of this IA is based on the infrastructure itself on which it will help us.
On the other hand, on the workspace side it will make the day to day much easier, giving us that extra hand that is so often needed to be faster while remaining effective.

Blog of Workspace and DuetAI

Landing of DuetAI with GCP

