How to get ajob in theTech world

Gonzalo Galante
6 min readJul 25, 2022



Today in the tech world there is a lot of competition, especially to enter since there are many trainee or jr profiles.

There is a boom of people who take courses in different online academies and being able to stand out from all these people is complicated but not impossible.

How can we achieve this?
Having digital activity is crucial to be able to make a profile known, where not only the knowledge acquired in careers, courses or self-taught is shown, but also the desire to continue learning and delving into the topics.

In order to have this important digital profile, there are certain points that we can exploit so that it generates the greatest possible impact and differentiates itself from the majority.

Build Projects

Having your own projects where you can demonstrate what you know is super important, they can be small, they don’t have to be huge, take months and months of work, or require a team of several people, but rather reflect knowledge that has been acquired.

Let’s see some examples referring to 3 areas.


Make sites that demonstrate good design, skills with css, build interesting or complex features, use different frameworks, these are some possibilities to build and share so that others can see them.

All this to be public can be set up for free on Firebase, even with a free domain, as a reference I leave an article I wrote on how to do it.


The back-end is a world of possibilities, an infinity of ready-to-use tools can be created, build APIs, build a back for a small front, automate a process and upload it online as a microservice are some examples.

Regardless of programming all this, it must be shared publicly and for this there are free services that allow us to host the tools we design, such as Heroku or pythonanywhere.

And as for Google Cloud, I leave you with 2 articles, one on how to start setting up a microservice and the other on how to upload it to the Cloud.


In this area, it is first good to keep in mind that it is not only making machine learning or artificial intelligence models, there are also the branches of data preprocessing and graphing, among others.

From all this, case studies can be put together and downloaded to notebooks to later show them, although there is no platform as such to do it if we have some ways to make them visible, in a simple front end or through social networks (I’m going deeper into this ahead).

And as an alternative to this we can also share our work on pages like Kaggle that focus on data science “skills”.

These were some examples, you can also build projects related to knowledge of the Cloud, systems, data management and many more topics, there are almost always possibilities to set them up online and for free to share them, but to go one step further Let’s go to the next point of this article.Second point

Build a website


Having a website is key to being able to show ourselves, it is what I previously mentioned as our shop window, the place to share our knowledge, completed projects and even the knowledge we are acquiring.

It is a 100% personalized CV 2.0, made by oneself and where we can expand as much as we want, since we can design as many subpages as we want.

There are simpler ways to design them like wordpress, but if you already do Front, or you don’t mind getting into that world, what I definitely recommend is programming it from scratch (or starting from a template) since that way we can play with the design from end to end. and leave our mark.

In my case, my website was made with React and some support libraries, I bought a domain (I could have used a free one but I wanted the .com) and I hosted it for free on firebase.

If you are interested in this process, I will be uploading an article shortly telling the process, it will not be a guide as such but simply describe my journey in the design, assembly and assembly.


  • The main page has to be striking, starting by introducing yourself, you can detail your knowledge in detail or simply take it as an introduction and then expand on it in another section.
  • Sections
    - Projects: where to show your work, it can contain a complete description of what you did and a link to github where you have uploaded the code or even where you have assembled the code so that it can be used.
    - About you: telling who you are, tell about your non-technical but soft skills, work experiences, hobbies and whatever you want to share.
    - Knowledge: Detail what tools or frameworks you know how to use, programming languages, cloud platforms, operating systems you use, certifications, etc…
  • As extra sections, you could put a blog where you can upload entries about projects you are developing, studies you are carrying out and related topics.
  • Relaxed, it doesn’t have to be serious, it has to reflect what you really want to show and, above all, the way you want to show it.

Perfil Online

There are many social networks but the most important by far to show a professional profile is Linkedin.

Having an updated and active profile is key for the platform’s algorithm to show us to the rest of the users, and for this to happen, share our projects, write articles and participate in other posts.

In conjunction with this, there are platforms such as medium where we can write articles or even guides on the tools we use, frameworks, new technologies and much more, this also shows our interest in the area and that we are constantly internalizing it.

All the articles that we write later can be shared on our website and on Linkedin.

Instagram is another interesting network where we can show what we are working on, it is not as important as Linkedin but it does represent an extra that we can have without much effort and give a more relaxed visibility.


Many of the projects we do will contain code and sometimes we may want to share it on Github since it is where everyone will be able to see it quickly and easily, and not only that, they will also see our activity, how much code we upload in the As the days go by, what languages ​​are we using more, and of course, how is our code, how clean we write it, if we comment on it, if we respect good practices.

Within the code that we upload are the README and there we can generate a difference with the aesthetic issue, it is not the most important thing, but it does allow us to make it more visual.


These are the “keys” to having an attractive and visible profile to the world, each profile will have its strengths and weaknesses and it is in each one to know how to show themselves, but by following these points you can enhance the positive and thus achieve in the case of many the first employment and of many others a better one.

As an example of a web portfolio I also share my website

