Make every second count — Second Brain

Gonzalo Galante
3 min readOct 16, 2023


When we talk about productivity in these times there are 2 points that usually come to mind. On the one hand a methodology to apply and on the other hand materials or Apps that we will use to carry out these methodologies.

In the article below I commented about the applications that I use in my day to day.

However in this article I come to talk about the methodology, specifically Second Brain.

The concept refers to a methodology or approach that uses digital tools to organize, manage and leverage information and personal knowledge, so that it works as an extension of the brain. This approach has become popular thanks to the work of Tiago Forte, a productivity consultant, who has developed a system called “Building a Second Brain” (BASB) that focuses on efficient knowledge management.

In general terms, the second brain concept is based on the following principles:

  1. information capture: using digital tools to capture and store all types of information, such as notes, articles, links, books, documents and more is key. This can include tools such as Evernote, Notion, OneNote, or even task management applications. I stress the importance of making it practical to use and not a hassle, so making this a habit will be easier.
  2. Organization: Organize the captured information so that it is easy to search and retrieve when needed. Use tags, categories, organization systems and metadata to structure the second “database” of knowledge. In this sense there are thousands of ways, at the beginning it is advisable to try several alternatives and see which one suits better.
  3. Creation of connections: Encourage the creation of links and relationships between different pieces of information in your second brain is vital. This allows you to find patterns, ideas, and get a broader view of your data and knowledge. It gives us a macro view of the whole.
  4. Processing and synthesis: It is not just about storing information, but processing and synthesizing it into useful knowledge. Therefore, creating summaries, highlighting important parts of texts, writing reflections and generating new ideas from the information gathered is useful and already shows the first advantages of this methodology.
  5. Quick access: Make sure that the second brain is accessible and that information can be found quickly when needed. Using search tools, indexes and shortcuts to speed up access makes using this on a daily basis an added value, a help and not a burden.
  6. Automation: Automating repetitive or tedious tasks, such as data entry, labeling or organizing information is the final step. This allows you to concentrate on more creative and meaningful tasks.

The main goal of a second brain is to increase efficiency, creativity and the ability to learn and remember information. Having a well-organized and easily accessible database makes it easier to make decisions, generate new ideas and work more effectively on personal and professional projects.

It is important to note that there are different approaches and tools for implementing a second brain in life, and the choice of specific tools and methods will depend on individual needs and preferences.

This productivity methodology also adapts very well to the digital era in which we live and seeks to make the most of the advantages of technology to improve knowledge management and personal productivity.

