5 Low Impact Exercises in 15 Minutes or Less | The Health Trio

Good and Bad People
5 min readJun 1, 2020


Low impact exercises are very beneficial when it comes to your health and especially for relieving back or neck pain. The main focus of low impact exercises is to keep one foot on the floor and easing stress on your joints.

Moreover, low impact exercises decrease stiffness, increase blood flow to your body’s spinal structures, and also increase the number of nutrients reaching the spine. They also raise your heart rate without causing back pain by shaking your spine neither worsen it.

Low-Impact Cardio Exercises:

If you are looking to practice low impact exercises for their health benefits then you have to look no further. As we have collected five low impact exercises that you can do to improve your balance and core strength without straining your joints.

They are also perfect if you are feeling overwhelmed to do high-intensity exercise and just want to disengage in an easy workout.

You should do these exercises for a minute or two each and then jump towards the next exercise. Afterward completing all five exercises, rest for a minute or two and then start over again.

However, it is recommended to repeat these low impact exercises three times through for a butt-kicking low impact cardio workout.

1. Reverse-Lunge Front Kick

Reverse Lung front kick exercise challenges your balance and strengthens your glutes, as well as your quadriceps, hip flexors, hamstrings, and also calves.

Moreover, if you want to do this exercise among other exercises then, try doing 20 reverse lunges to front kicks. Whereas, if you are doing this exercise solely then, try doing 10 to 12 reps on each to make the most of it.

However, it is recommended that you should split the minute in half, for instance, try lunging with the right leg for the first 30 seconds then your left leg for the second 30 seconds.

To get started:

  • Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart from each other, bent your arms and hold them up to your sides at chest level.
  • Now, try kicking your right leg out straight into your front, and step back into a reverse lunge on the way down.
  • Stand up and repeat another kick then another reverse lunge.

2. Skaters

Skaters are a low impact exercise, which raises your heart rate, strengthens your legs, improves balance and stability. Skaters strengthening part mostly focuses on quads and glutes.

Moreover, an additional benefit of skaters is that it strengthens your medial glute and outer thigh. Which further contributes to better tone and also increased knee strength.

The cardio part of skaters comes with the constant movement of your feet. Moving your feet back and forth gets your hurt pumping before your even know.

Try doing a speed skater once you’re done with low impact version as it neglects the jump but it is still very workable for you.

To get started:

  • Begin in a curtsy lunge position with your legs bent, your right leg should be behind and across your body.
  • Your left arm should be straightened down and bend your right arm up in a comfortable way at your side of the balance.
  • Now, push off your left leg, start to stand by bringing your right leg forward meanwhile swinging your left leg back and across, switch arms as you go.
  • Try working swiftly but don’t jump to maintain the low impact approach.

You may want to read: 5 Benefits of Aerobic Exercises You Should Know

3. Standing Oblique Crunch

Standing oblique crunch is a low impact exercise. That is performed by standing upright, raising your leg sideways. The standing oblique crunch does not include any pulling motion at your neck, unlike the standard oblique crunch.

Moreover, being less straining on your back and necks standing oblique crunch is very appropriate for beginners or people with back or neck pain.

Also, practicing standing oblique crunch improves your balance, core strength, and even aids in building a ripped set of abs. It ensures that your core is well engaged and your movement is controlled to achieve maximum effect.

To get started:

  • Stand up with your feet shoulder-width apart from each other and bending your arms.
  • Put your hands on the back of your head and flare out your elbows to the side.
  • Now, begin moving, bending to your right side, and bringing your elbow down at the same time bring your knee up to touch.
  • Afterward, return to your beginning position and repeat these same steps now on your left side.

4. Squat to Jab

Squat to the jab is not for specific muscles but it aids in increasing the growth of your overall muscles. It usually considered leg exercise as it tones your leg muscles but actually, it is very beneficial for your whole body.

Moreover, there are numerous benefits of practicing squats as, it significantly improves your digestion, balance, mobility, build your muscles, and even shape your butt and abs.

Squat to the jab is one of the best ways to burn calories rapidly. As your body burns 50 to 670 calories for each pound of muscle, you’ll gain by doing squats. Try combining bodyweight squat with boxing to achieve its maximized effect.

To get started:

  • Stand with your feet a little wider than shoulder-width apart from each other and your arms held down at your sides.
  • Squat down, while ensuring your chest is straightened up, your knees out and your butt is back.
  • Stand up, and while you extend your legs try throwing a cross-body punch with each of your arms.
  • Again, squat down, then stand up, punch, and repeat.

You may want to read: Exercises To Lose Weight Fast At Home

5. Low-Impact Jumping Jack

The low impact of the jumping jack is an effective whole-body workout that you can practice nearly anywhere. Jumping jack is a part of plyometrics, which is a combination of aerobic exercise and resistance work.

Moreover, jumping jack mostly focuses on your heart, lungs, and muscles simultaneously. Jumping jack is a low impact exercise that will perfectly raise your heart rate without jumping up and down.

However, you can amplify your arm movements to burn even more calories.

To get started:

  • Begin with standing with your feet and keep your arms downwards at your side.
  • Now step your right foot out and simultaneously put your arms up above your head. Keep your weight on your right foot during this movement.
  • Return to your beginning position and repeat the same steps but this time with your left foot out and keep your weight on your left foot.


It’s always good to warm up your body before starting exercise for instance walking for a couple of minutes will get your blood flowing.

As these are all low impact exercises mentioned above thus, feel free to practice them several times a week without risk of any adverse health effects.

It is recommended to practice these low impact exercises several times a week to notice a significant improvement in your strength and cardiovascular endurance in a month or two. However, feel free to adjust this workout in accordance to your fitness level.

Originally published at https://thehealthtrio.com on June 1, 2020.



Good and Bad People

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