Telos Users Guide - Tutorial: Telos Resolve

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How to vote for and register as arbitrator candidates

UPDATE 13 Feb. 2020: Telos Arbitration is now referred to as “Telos Resolve”

Telos uses elected arbitrators to resolve disputes between users and help recover lost, stolen or mistakenly sent funds. This tutorial demonstrates how to nominate oneself as a Telos arbitrator candidate and how to vote for candidates. An explanation of why Telos elects arbitrators and how the arbitration election process works can be found in this article:

This article uses examples from Sqrl wallet, which includes advanced Telos voting features right in its interface. For your security, please only download Sqrl from the link provided on the Telos Foundation website (

Opening the Arbitration voting page

To find arbitration voting in Sqrl wallet, select Governance in the menu at the top of the screen. This will open the Governance page where voting functions are found.

Select the Arbitration tab to open the Arbitration tab page.

Figure 1: Opening the Arbitration tab page

Voting for arbitrators

To vote for arbitrators, open the Arbitration tab page. The current or next arbitration election will be listed, detailing when the election begins and ends, how many arbitrator seats are available, and how many candidates are nominated.

The candidates are listed below along with a search field to search for arbitrators when the list is long. Each candidate is listed by account name. The candidate’s current number of votes is listed next to the name. You can also see if you have voted for this candidate.

The i button will open the candidate’s candidacy document, listing their qualifications and experience. The check button casts your votes for a candidate. When you vote, you cast all of your votes (your current TLOS balance both staked and liquid) for this candidate. You may vote for as many candidates as you like.

You can only vote for candidates during the time after “Election Begins” and before “Election Ends.”

Figure 2: Voting for an arbitrator candidate

To vote for an arbitrator candidate:

Click the check button next to the candidate’s name.

Becoming an arbitrator candidate

Note: If you intend to become a Telos arbitrator, please read the “Regarb” human language contract terms and the “Telos Arbitrator Minimum Requirements.” By nominating yourself as an arbitrator candidate, you are agreeing to these documents. You can find them on the Docs tab of the Governance page.

To nominate yourself as an arbitrator, first prepare a candidacy document to discuss your qualifications, experience, and views on arbitration to voters. This file will be stored on IPFS for voters to access. The file can be any format. Markdown (.md), rich text format (.rtf), HTML, and plain text (.txt) are all appropriate, though users may need a special reader for some formats because IPFS files do not keep their document extensions.

It’s recommended to create a dedicated account separate from your everyday account for use as an arbitrator candidate. Be sure to sign into Sqrl wallet from the account that you wish to be an arbitrator candidate.

You can only nominate yourself as an arbitrator candidate before the election begins. The time the election will begin is listed on the Arbitration page next to Election Begins.

To nominate yourself as an arbitrator candidate:

Click the Apply as Arbitrator button. This brings up a dialog box where you can upload your candidacy document.

Figure 3: Uploading arbitrator candidacy document

Click the Choose File button to select your document from your computer, then click the Confirm button. The dialog box will change to show your candidacy document.

Figure 4: Submitting candidacy

Click the Submit Candidacy button. This will submit your candidacy document and add your name to the table of candidates. Other Telos users will be able to see you, read your candidacy document, and vote for you.

Your Arbitration tab page will indicate “Application Pending” until the election is closed.

Removing yourself as an arbitrator candidate

If you have nominated yourself as an arbitrator candidate and no longer wish to be one, you can remove your candidacy before the election begins.

To remove yourself as an arbitrator candidate:

On the Arbitration Portal page, click the Remove Candidacy button.

Figure 5: Removing arbitrator candidacy

Ending an arbitrator election

After an election ends, the election must be closed and tallied. Any Telos user can do this. An End Election button will appear under the Election name once the voting period expires.

Figure 6: End Election button

To end an election:

Click the End Election button that appears under the Election name once the voting period expires.

Figure 7: Confirm ending an election

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