Telos Weekly Report — July 19th, 2019

So many secrets

7 min readJul 20, 2019


The best thing about secrets is telling them. The worst is having told them.

As I’ve mentioned before, a lot of people talk to me about their plans for Telos. Most ask me to keep things confidential, which I have been pretty good about respecting…even when it’s hard to do because the news is exciting. I enjoy it when someone publicizes their plans the way that SEEDS did last week or the way that EDNA mentioned this week. Then I can talk about these things without betraying anyone’s confidence.

If you didn’t see Greg Simpson’s message in the EDNA Telegram group, EDNA will be deploying the DNA data storage, and therefore the researcher search and license functions on Telos. There may be more news to come (or not) but this is all that he’s confirmed so it’s all that I’ll mention. This is a really exciting development for Telos. EDNA is one of the most awesome use cases for blockchain around and all of the core functions that I think of when I think about EDNA are going to reside on Telos. Every person who stores their DNA and every researcher who wants to study it will be doing so through their Telos accounts. EDNA token price almost doubled in the past few days. I wouldn’t be surprised to see some positive price action for TLOS when this news really come out.

One of the big reasons why EDNA is deploying on Telos is the Telos IPFS (decentralized storage) solution we have built. As developers, the TCD knew that this would be a crucial feature for many apps. I particularly knew it would be crucial to EDNA from my ongoing discussions with Greg. So the update about EDNA is particularly rewarding. They are coming to Telos for a lot of reasons, I believe, but the additional tools that we have built are a cornerstone. This week it’s TIPFS, last week, it was our Trail voting service that helped bring SEEDS to Telos. This week, I’ve spoken with new developers interested in Telos and was able to pitch TIPFS, Trail voting, and of course, our strong decentralization as key differentiators. These developers were extremely excited and I would not be surprised if they were to become the announcements of the week before too long. Again, there is a steady stream of these. Not all will go with Telos, but our track record is getting pretty good. For people looking for what Telos offers (sustainable decentralization, leadership in governance, powerful additional features for developers to leverage) there really aren’t any good alternatives. It makes me think we should keep these things less “secret” and tell the world. When developers find out about Telos, our conversion rate is actually pretty good. We just need to reach more of them.

Not all of the secrets I have to keep are from other people. GoodBlock has a couple of secrets as well. There’s something that we’ve been working on with the Telos Core Developers — a feature not seen on any other blockchains yet. Please keep an eye out for this over the next couple of weeks. It’ll be exciting. The other is a big announcement of some things that GoodBlock itself is working on. Yes, it involves dragons (naturally) but there’s a lot more to it than that. I hope that this will be out in just a few days. (But when you’re excited, it’s hard to wait…) It should go without saying that these developments should be very exciting for the Telos chain.

Go Telos!

— Douglas Horn

Ratify/Amend Voting

Telos Economic Development Plan (#0)
Voting closes: Sat Jul 27 2019 10:38:43 UTC
Here are the proposed clauses to replace the corresponding clauses in the existing TBNOA:
Clause 10. Block Producer Pay
Clause 23. Requirement to Opt-in as a Member
Clause 24. Worker Proposal Fund
Clause 44. Resource Exchange
Clause 49. Telos Economic Development
Yes: 10,899,588 | No: 334,574 | Abstain: 6,078,043

Worker Proposals of Note


Telos Core Development: Sqrl Wallet (#22)
Voting closes: Sat Aug 10th 15:27 UTC
125,000.0000 TLOS in 1 cycle to ‘’ as pay for past development work already performed on the Sqrl wallet.
Yes: 2,149,290 | No: 100,002 | Abstain: 0

Ending Soon:

The Telos Podcast — Professional YouTube Show & Podcast (#16) (cycle 2 of 6)
Voting closes: Thu Jul 25th 21:38 UTC
25,000.0000 TLOS in 6 cycles to ‘gyztiobugege’ to fund a professional Telos-focused podcast and YouTube show.
Yes: 6,149,299 | No: 100,004 | Abstain: 5,009,227

SteemChurch Telos Expansion: resubmission (#4) (cycle 5 of 6)
Voting closes: Thu July 26th 10:32 UTC
15,000.0000 (6 cycles) to accounts.jc over 6 months funding for a Telos referral program, onboarding process, blockchain participation and ongoing community development in developing nations.
Yes: 4,672,068 | No: 197,174 | Abstain: 15,250

Ended and Passed!

Telos Promotion and Outreach (#10) (cycle 4 of 12)
Voting closes: June 15th 15:54 GMT +0100
15,000.0000 TLOS in 12 cycles to ‘tlspromotion’ for past and future work promoting the Telos Network with articles and YouTube videos.

Marketing Support for Telos Foundation Initiatives (#9) (cycle 3 of 3)
Voting closed: July 16th 19:01 UTC
155,000.0000 TLOS in 3 cycles to ‘romannanders’ to bolster the marketing and public relations efforts of the Telos Foundation in collaboration with the Telos Foundation.

Don’t forget to re-cast your vote for WPs that last multiple cycles. This feature helps to keep longer-term WPs accountable for deliverables, and let voters decide whether they think the WP is still of value to the network.

This week’s active multi-cycle WPs include:
Telos Promotional Animated Videos (#19) (Cycle 1 of 3)
Telos YouTube and Website Promotion (Cycle 2 of 12)
The Telos Podcast — Professional YouTube Show & Podcast (Cycle 2 of 6)
Telos Marketing Proposal (Cycle 3 of 4)
Telos Promotion and Outreach (Cycle 3 of 12)
SteemChurch Telos Expansion (Cycle 5 of 6)

If you haven’t downloaded the newest version of Sqrl (1.0.12), you can find it here.

We believe the worker proposal system is a big part of what makes Telos great, and highly encourage you to make your voice heard by voting responsibly on the governance of this blockchain.

Here’s what happened this week:

  • Blockchain Solutions for Business Panel Video from Blockchain Expo Amsterdam Released
  • EOS and Telos Blockchain Developer Workshop held in London
  • Telos Podcast #3 Released Featuring Unbiased & Zeptagram
  • Chainspector gets multi-chain support

Blockchain Solutions for Business Panel Video from Blockchain Expo Amsterdam Released

At the Blockchain Expo Europe conference in Amsterdam a few weeks back, I was on a keynote-level panel with speakers from Hugo Boss, Carrefour, Deitsmann, and McKinsey and Company. These were major companies who have been involved in deploying big blockchain projects already. Fortunately, Jim Hewitt of Telos UK captured a pretty good video of the panel. We were able to add that to the good audio provided by the expo so that now everyone can see the consultant from McKinsey asked us to discuss how it would work if Hugo Boss wanted to deploy their next blockchain project on Telos.

If you want to get a real boost about the future of Telos and how we are perceived by real businesses outside the EOSIO bubble, I encourage you to watch the video of the panel.

EOS and Telos Blockchain Developer Workshop held in London

Last weekend, Jack Tanner of organized the first ever EOS and Telos Blockchain Developer Workshop in London. Developers that attended learned about several eosio concepts such as smart contracts, voting, and even how to write and deploy a contract on a local network. They learned about the Telos Worker Proposal System, which provided complimentary lunch for the developers, and attendees that downloaded the Sqrl wallet were given free TLOS from is a blockchain career agency that connects you to blockchain companies and developer events to further your blockchain career.

Telos Podcast #3 features Unbiased and Zeptagram

Worker Proposal-funded Telos Podcast published its 3rd installment this week featuring Unbiased & Zeptagram. On this episode, Brandon and Sukesh Tedla chat about an array of topics including Telos Green, full history nodes, Rex on Telos and more. Unbiased is a social platform and search engine working to protect users’ privacy, and fight fake news. Another of Telos Green’s projects, Zeptagram, is a music trading platform that uses blockchain technology to offer transparency for music rights, and help battle piracy in the industry. Watch the full podcast below for more.

Chainspector gets multi-chain support

The Teloscope team is at it again, and this time they’ve added multi-chain support to the Chainspector tool. Early this week, they announced that in an effort to help get the word out about Telos, the Chainspector tool has added support for EOS MainNet. When using Chainspector for EOS, you don’t have access to all of the cool governance features of Telos of course, but you can still use the other unique tools that The Teloscope has built for it, such as the Proxy Selector and Ranking Playground. Read the full announcement from The Teloscope on their Medium page at

About the author: Douglas Horn is the Telos architect and whitepaper author, and the founder of GoodBlock, a block producer and app developer for the Telos Blockchain Network.

More about GoodBlock can be found at:

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