Walter Isaacson Books Ranked

Ryan Prewz
8 min readApr 3, 2024


Walter Isaacson

Walter Isaacson: a name that resonates with literary mastery, historical depth, and curiosity about the world’s most brilliant minds. As a biographer and journalist, Isaacson has carved out a niche for himself on the subject of non-fiction, writing compelling narratives that bring to life the stories of some of history’s most influential figures. From the enigmatic genius of Leonardo da Vinci to the visionary innovation of Steve Jobs, Isaacson has studied the lives of those who shaped the course of human history, leaving an indelible mark on both the past and the present.

Born on May 20, 1952, in New Orleans, Louisiana, Isaacson’s early years were marked by a strong appetite for learning and discovery. He graduated from Harvard University and went on to study at Pembroke College, Oxford, as a Rhodes Scholar. His academic background in history and literature provided a solid foundation for his future career as a writer and biographer.

Isaacson’s career trajectory took a notable turn when he joined Time magazine in 1978 as a political correspondent. Over the years, he rose through the ranks, eventually becoming the magazine’s editor from 1996 to 2001. His experience at Time allowed him to cultivate his storytelling skills and sharpen his ability to distill complex subjects into digestible narratives — a skill that would serve him well in his future as a biographer.

However, it was his efforts into the world of biography that truly solidified Isaacson’s reputation as a masterful chronicler of lives. His first major biography, “Kissinger: A Biography,” published in 1992, set the stage for what would become a distinguished career in the genre. Since then, Isaacson has tackled an impressive array of subjects, ranging from the realms of science and technology to politics and the arts.

One of the hallmarks of Isaacson’s writing is his ability to capture the essence of his subjects with nuance and empathy, painting a portrait that goes beyond mere historical recounting. Whether exploring the complexities of Albert Einstein’s mind or unraveling Elon Musk’s genius, Isaacson approaches each biography with a blend of scholarly detail and literary flair.

In addition to his biographical works, Isaacson has also authored several other books, including “The Innovators: How a Group of Hackers, Geniuses, and Geeks Created the Digital Revolution” and “The Code Breaker: Jennifer Doudna, Gene Editing, and the Future of the Human Race.” These books showcase his versatility as a writer, approaching into topics ranging from the history of technology to the frontiers of scientific innovation.

In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at Walter Isaacson’s bodies of work, ranking his books from worst to best based on reviews and popularity. From the lesser-known gems to the literary masterpieces that have cemented his legacy, we’ll explore Isaacson’s contributions to the world of biography and beyond.

Walter Isaacson Books Ranked

American Sketches: Great Leaders, Creative Thinkers, and Heroes of a Hurricane

“American Sketches” is a collection of essays by Walter Isaacson, showcasing his reflections on some of America’s most notable leaders and thinkers. While the book offers insightful glimpses into the lives of figures such as Benjamin Franklin and Albert Einstein, it lacks the cohesive narrative thread that characterizes Isaacson’s best work. Some readers may find the essays to be somewhat disjointed, making it a less compelling read compared to his more focused biographies.

4.1/5 Amazon — 3.8/5 Goodreads — 4/5 Audible

Kissinger: A Biography

“Kissinger: A Biography” is Walter Isaacson’s first major biography, offering a comprehensive exploration of the life and career of the controversial statesman Henry Kissinger. Drawing on extensive research and interviews with Kissinger himself, Isaacson paints a nuanced portrait of a figure whose influence on American foreign policy continues to be felt to this day. While the book is praised for its thoroughness and insight, some critics have noted that it tends to be biased at some points in Kissinger's favor, glossing over Kissinger’s more controversial actions. Nevertheless, “Kissinger” remains a valuable contribution to the study of political history and diplomacy.\

4.4/5 Amazon — 4/5 Goodreads — 4.8/5 Audible

Einstein: His Life and Universe

In “Einstein: His Life and Universe,” Isaacson offers a comprehensive exploration of the life and work of one of history’s greatest scientific minds. While the book is meticulously researched and engagingly written, some critics have noted that it can be overly detailed at times, bogging down the narrative with excessive detail. Despite this criticism, “Einstein” remains a landmark biography that sheds new light on the complexities of its subject’s genius.

4.6/5 Amazon — 4.3/5 Indigo — 4.2/5 Abebooks

Benjamin Franklin: An American Life

“Benjamin Franklin: An American Life” is Walter Isaacson’s biography of the founding father and polymath whose contributions to American history are immeasurable. Through meticulous research and lively storytelling, Isaacson brings Franklin to life as a figure whose intellect and wit shaped the course of the nation. While some critics have noted that the book occasionally touches on hagiography, its overall impact is undeniable, offering readers a deeper understanding of Franklin’s enduring legacy. As one of Isaacson’s earliest biographies, “Benjamin Franklin” remains a testament to his skill as a storyteller and his ability to illuminate the lives of history’s most remarkable individuals.

4.6/5 Amazon — 4/5 Goodreads — 4.1/5 Indigo

Get Benjamin Franklin: An American Life for FREE here

Steve Jobs

“Steve Jobs” is perhaps Walter Isaacson’s most widely recognized biography, offering an intimate portrait of the iconic co-founder of Apple Inc. Through extensive interviews with Jobs himself, as well as with family members, friends, and colleagues, Isaacson paints a nuanced picture of a complex and often controversial figure. While the book is undoubtedly a compelling read, some readers may take issue with Isaacson’s portrayal of Jobs, finding it overly sympathetic at times. Nevertheless, “Steve Jobs” stands as a testament to Isaacson’s skill as a biographer and his ability to capture the essence of his subjects.

4.7/5 Amazon — 4.2/5 Goodreads — 4.2/5 Indigo

Get Steve Jobs for FREE here

Leonardo da Vinci

In “Leonardo da Vinci,” Walter Isaacson explores into the life and work of the quintessential Renaissance man, exploring his achievements as an artist, scientist, and thinker. Drawing on da Vinci’s notebooks and other primary sources, Isaacson crafts a vivid portrait of a genius whose curiosity knew no bounds. While the book is praised for its thorough research and engaging writing, some readers may find its nonlinear structure and abundance of detail to be overwhelming. Nevertheless, “Leonardo da Vinci” remains a captivating exploration of one of history’s most enduringly fascinating figures.

4.6/5 Amazon — 4.2/5 Goodreads — 4/5 Indigo

Get Leonardo da Vinci for FREE here

Elon Musk

In the works of Walter Isaacson’s literary achievements, one book stands out as a beacon of innovation, ambition, and visionary leadership: “Elon Musk.” Published in 2023, this biography offers a compelling portrait of one of the most enigmatic and influential figures of our time. Through meticulous research and insightful analysis, Isaacson writes about the life and mind of the man behind SpaceX, Tesla, and a myriad of other groundbreaking ventures. This list of Walter Isaacson Books Ranked with “Elon Musk” at number one.

At its core, “Elon Musk” is a testament to the power of relentless ambition and unyielding determination. From Musk’s early days as a ambitious entrepreneur in South Africa to his meteoric rise to prominence in Silicon Valley, Isaacson traces the arc of Musk’s career with detail and empathy. Through interviews with Musk himself, as well as with family members, friends, and colleagues, Isaacson paints a vivid portrait of a man driven by a singular vision: to revolutionize humanity’s relationship with technology and space.

What sets “Elon Musk” apart from Isaacson’s other biographies is its timely relevance and its exploration of the intersection between innovation and ambition. As the founder and CEO of SpaceX, Musk has captured the imagination of millions with his audacious plans to colonize Mars and make space travel accessible to all. Likewise, his work with Tesla has pushed the boundaries of electric vehicle technology, paving the way for a more sustainable future.

But “Elon Musk” is more than just a chronicle of one man’s achievements — it’s a meditation on the nature of genius, the allure of risk-taking, and the complexities of leadership in the digital age. Isaacson explores into Musk’s successes and failures with equal measure, offering readers a nuanced understanding of the man behind the myth. From his rough childhood to his struggles with mental health, Isaacson presents Musk as a deeply flawed yet undeniably brilliant individual whose passion for innovation knows no bounds.

Perhaps what makes “Elon Musk” Isaacson’s best book is its ability to transcend the bounds of biography and offer insights into larger questions about the future of humanity. Through Musk’s story, Isaacson explores themes of technological disruption, ethical responsibility, and the pursuit of greatness in an increasingly interconnected world. Whether diving into the intricacies of space travel or the complexities of artificial intelligence, “Elon Musk” is a thought-provoking exploration of the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead.

In the end, “Elon Musk” is a testament to the power of human ingenuity and the potential for individuals to shape the course of history. By shining a light on Musk’s remarkable journey, Walter Isaacson has crafted a biography that transcends its subject, offering readers a glimpse into the mind of a visionary and the future he envisions. In a world defined by rapid change and uncertainty, “Elon Musk” serves as a reminder of the transformative power of human ambition and the enduring quest for progress.

Get Elon Musk by Walter Isaacson for FREE here.

Walter Isaacson Books Ranked Conclusion

As we come to the end of our journey through the best works of Walter Isaacson (Walter Isaacson Books Ranked), it’s clear that his contributions to the world of biography and non-fiction are nothing short of extraordinary. From the towering intellect of Leonardo da Vinci to the audacious vision of Elon Musk, Isaacson has shined light on the lives of some of history’s most remarkable individuals with depth, insight, and empathy.

Through his meticulous research, engaging storytelling, and profound understanding of human nature, Isaacson has crafted a body of work that transcends mere biography, offering readers a window into the minds and motivations of those who have shaped the course of human history. Isaacson approaches each subject with reverence and curiosity, inviting readers to join him on a journey of discovery.

In Walter Isaacson books ranked from worst to best, we’ve explored the intricacies and depth of his literary talent. While some books may resonate more deeply with readers than others, each offers valuable insights into the human experience and the forces that drive us to greatness.

In the words of Walter Isaacson himself, “The best way to predict the future is to invent it.” Let us heed this wisdom as we forge ahead into the unknown, guided by the indomitable spirit of innovation and discovery. And let us continue to celebrate the remarkable achievements of those who, like Isaacson himself, have left an indelible mark on human history. Please note this blog contains affiliate links, I may make a commission from sales at no extra cost to you, thank you for reading.

