Introducing Good Games Labs

Good Games Guild
3 min readNov 26, 2021


Good Games Labs is an innovative program developed by Good Games Guild that aims of being an investment arm between the blockchain project and the cryptocurrency community, especially investors and users.

Good Games Labs will act as the incubator of the start-up projects that have successfully passed a series of selections to become the Incubation Project at Good Games Labs.

As an incubator, Good Games Labs will provide various kinds of training and supervision in terms of tech and business flow for incubation projects at GG Labs, so that they can develop into quality blockchain projects and can compete in this crypto-space. In addition, GG Labs will also help projects that are in the incubation of GG Labs to get support from reputable investors and partners of the Good Games Guild, both in terms of funding and sponsorship/promotion.

Good Games Labs Services

Good Games Labs Services

  1. Coaching
    Provide training, mentoring, and education to the incubation project in the running of the business flow and technology to be developed. This will be handled by the expertise from the GG Labs Team, including the process of making Tokenomics, Market Listing, and other important matters.
  2. Networking
    Connecting the incubation projects to the organizations/companies and communities including KOLs, Exchanges, VCs, Advertising Agencies, etc which can help the incubation project’s development in the pre and post-IDO.
  3. Investment/Backing
    Provide funding support and introduce them to reputable investors and Ventures Capital.
  4. Marketing
    The success of the project is dependent on the marketing techniques that they used. Therefore, GG Labs will fully assist in the process of preparing the marketing strategies of the incubation project to achieve the mission.
  5. Technical Support
    GG Labs Team will help the incubate project in terms of infrastructure and blockchain development.
  6. Free Talk! Time
    Every project in the incubation is free to contact the GG Labs Team at any time to discuss the project development. We will always listen and give you the best advice!

We at Good Games Guild are thrilled in this GG Labs development with the hope it can give a maximum contribution in producing the best projects. Currently, GG Labs is in the process of incubating the project and will introduce them to the public this November.

About Good Games Guild

Good Games Guild is a gaming hub that aims to create the largest virtual world economy by sponsoring millions of play-to-earn gamers, investing in play-to-earn games along with their in-game assets and building tools that will enhance the future of gaming and the metaverse.

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Good Games Guild

Gaming hub focus on blockchain-based games. #Play2Earn movement! Metaverse for the living.