Adaptive Design: Creating Personalised Digital Experiences

Good Rebels
5 min readFeb 8, 2024


Kike Valdenebro.

The digital world is a diverse place, populated by a wide variety of users with equally varied needs and preferences. In this environment, adaptive design has become an essential strategy for creating truly effective digital products, generating experiences tailored to individual user needs.

First things first: what is adaptive design?

Adaptive design is a digital design approach introduced in 2011 by web designer Aaron Gustafson in his book Adaptive Web Design: Crafting Rich Experiences With Progressive Enhancement.

While the term initially referred primarily to the optimal layout of elements for each device and screen size, today the concept has expanded to refer to a design approach that focuses on personalising digital experiences, using advanced data and technologies to tailor the interface, content and functionality of a digital product to the specific user who is using it.

The goal? To generate a truly unique user experience, because if we can make them feel that the digital product is designed specifically for them, it could increase their satisfaction, retention and loyalty, and have a positive impact on business results by targeting specific content and products to the right group of users.

User segmentation: knowing your audience.

We have already mentioned that users’ needs and preferences vary significantly. In this context, segmentation is a fundamental part of adaptive design, as it involves dividing the audience into groups with similar characteristics in order to offer highly personalised experiences.

How to do this segmentation? In much the same way that social media platforms, such as Meta, do it. Beyond age, gender and geographic location, we can take into account the user’s interests, browsing history and behaviour on the app or website.

We know that, on social networks, a user who interacts more with sports-related posts will see more sports content in their feed, while another who prefers fashion content will see fashion-related posts. The idea is to bring the same dynamic to the design of digital assets, ensuring that the experience on the platform is relevant and engaging for each user.

To do this, it will be essential to strengthen your approach to data. By tracking and analysing user activity, we will identify patterns and trends, enabling interface customisation, recommendation of relevant content and adaptation of workflows.

Machine Learning and algorithms: making intelligent decisions.

In this context, Machine Learning and algorithms play a key role in adaptive design by enabling intelligent decisions based on real-time data. How?

  • By identifying hidden patterns and trends. For example, in e-commerce, an algorithm can identify that certain users tend to search for technology-related products, allowing it to proactively recommend relevant products.
  • Encouraging continuous optimisation of the user experience to ensure it becomes increasingly accurate and satisfying over time.
  • Enabling tailored recommendations. A key strategy for platforms such as Netflix, Spotify and Amazon, which analyse user interaction history and deliver content, products or services that match their individual tastes and preferences.

Addressing ethical and privacy challenges.

There is no doubt that there are great benefits to be gained from embracing responsive design. However, it also raises ethical and privacy challenges that we need to consider.

Ultimately, a truly personalised experience is also respectful of users’ privacy, and managing consent will be key to achieving that balance. This involves explaining what data is collected, how it is used and how its use can benefit users, but also ensuring that users have control over their own information, allowing them to stop personalisation at any time.

In addition, it is crucial to address an ethical consideration related to algorithmic decisions, as these can trigger bias and discrimination towards minority groups. Adaptive design is also inclusive. It is therefore essential that companies conduct regular audits and regularly adjust their algorithms in order to prevent unfair outcomes.

What techniques can we use to implement adaptive design?

As technology continues to advance, Adaptive Design will evolve and expand into new areas. Here are some emerging trends that could become widespread in the future:


The future of Adaptive Design may include real-time personalisation that responds instantly to user actions and needs. For example, a news application could adjust its content based on breaking news or the topics the user is exploring at that moment. A financial asset management platform could adapt the dashboard design based on events occurring at that moment that impact asset valuation.


Applications and websites could use sensors and contextual data such as location and time of day to more precisely tailor the user experience. For instance, a maps application could show nearby restaurants during lunchtime and cultural events in the evening.


AR and VR offer exciting opportunities for personalisation and immersion. Adaptive experiences could overlay useful information in the real world through AR or immerse users in highly personalised virtual environments with VR.


Adaptive Design will not be limited to applications and websites but will extend to various devices and channels, such as virtual assistants, Internet of Things (IoT) devices, and more. This ensures a consistent experience across all user touchpoints.

What next? The future of adaptive design

As technology continues to advance, adaptive design will continue to evolve, redefining the standard user experience.

We are already seeing quite a bit of contextual adaptation, with digital assets using sensors and parameters such as location and time of day to tailor the user experience more precisely. For example, many apps greet us with “Good morning” if it’s in the morning, and a mapping app might show nearby restaurants during lunchtime and cultural events in the evening.

But Adaptive Design will go a step further, towards real-time personalisation, allowing, for example, a news app to adjust its content based on the latest news or topics the user is currently browsing. Similarly, a financial asset management platform could adapt the design of a dashboard based on events that are happening at the time and that impact the valuation of financial assets.

Moreover, adaptive design will not be limited to apps or websites, but will extend to a variety of devices and channels, such as virtual assistants, or IoT (Internet of Things) devices, generating a consistent experience at all points of contact. In this context, the integration of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) will gain prominence, which, beyond generating tailored experiences, will allow us to design immersive digital assets.

However, we do not have to wait for the democratisation of this type of technology to get down to work. Adaptive design is already a reality, and companies that start building the necessary infrastructure now — in terms of data and technology — will have a competitive advantage. However, always bearing in mind that the use of algorithms must be supervised to avoid bias, and taking into account the importance of protecting users’ privacy.

At Good Rebels, we are committed to this multidisciplinary approach in the design of digital assets. Combining our capabilities in design, web analytics, performance and CRO, we can accompany your brand in strengthening your digital assets, understanding adaptive design in its triple aspect: personalisation, inclusivity and privacy.



Good Rebels

We work at the intersection of people, brands and technology, challenging our clients to explore the digital world and create rich consumer experiences.