How to become a Chartered Accountant in India

Good Shepherd Academy
2 min readMay 9, 2024

So, you’ve set your sights on becoming a Chartered Accountant (CA) in India? Congratulations! It’s a challenging but rewarding career path that opens doors to a world of opportunities in finance and accounting. This blog will guide you through the steps to becoming a CA in India.

Educational Qualifications:

The good news is that you can start your CA journey after either completing 12th grade or graduating with a degree. There are two main entry routes:

  • CA Foundation Route: This is for students who have passed 12th standard. You’ll need to register with the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) and clear the CA Foundation exam.
  • Direct Entry Scheme: Graduates and post-graduates can enter directly at the Intermediate level by meeting specific eligibility criteria set by the ICAI. However, you’ll still need to complete the CA Intermediate and Final exams.

The CA Course Structure:

Once you’ve cleared the entry hurdle, here’s the roadmap:

  • CA Foundation: This foundation course lays the groundwork for accounting principles and practices. You’ll need to pass a single exam with four subjects.
  • CA Intermediate: This intermediate level delves deeper into accounting, taxation, law, and other financial subjects. You’ll need to clear two separate group exams.
  • CA Articleship: This is where theory meets practice! You’ll undergo a rigorous 3-year practical training program under a practicing Chartered Accountant. This is a crucial step to gain hands-on experience.
  • CA Final: The final exam tests your comprehensive knowledge and skills. You’ll again need to pass two separate group exams.
  • ICAI Membership: After successfully completing the course and articleship, you can finally apply for ICAI membership, officially becoming a Chartered Accountant!

Additional Tips:

  • Planning is Key: This is a long-term commitment, so plan your studies effectively. Utilize resources like ICAI study material, coaching institutes, and online resources.
  • Stay Focused and Disciplined: The CA exams are challenging, so dedication and perseverance are essential. Develop a strong work ethic and manage your time efficiently.
  • Seek Mentorship: Connect with experienced CAs or join CA student forums for guidance and support.

Support on Your CA Journey: Good Shepherd Professional Academy

While navigating the path to becoming a CA, you’ll need the right support system. Good Shepherd Professional Academy stands out for providing exceptional CA coaching classes in Pune. Their team of experienced faculty offers comprehensive guidance and mentorship to help you excel in each stage of the CA program.

Embrace the Journey:

Becoming a CA in India is a demanding but fulfilling journey. With hard work, dedication, and the right approach, you can achieve your dream. Remember, the rewards are great — a well-respected profession, excellent career prospects, and a bright financial future!

Also Read About Best CA Classes in Pune



Good Shepherd Academy

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