13 min readNov 13, 2023

Welcome to my comprehensive guide on Mindustry! If you’re looking to dive into the world of Mindustry gameplay and want to excel in this logic and strategy-based game, you’ve come to the right place. In this guide, I’ll provide you with all the tips and tricks you need to navigate the game with ease and efficiency. From unit binding to unit control, campaign progression to spriting, I’ll cover it all. So, let’s gear up and get ready to conquer the Mindustry universe!

Key Takeaways:

  • Master the art of unit binding and control in Mindustry to optimize your gameplay.
  • Explore the unique challenges and mechanics of Serpulo, the campaign planet.
  • Dive into the world of spriting and learn how to create stunning visuals for your Mindustry mods.
  • Discover recommended spriting software options to bring your creative visions to life.
  • Understand the importance of sprite sizes, organization, and color palettes for a cohesive modding experience.

Understanding Unit Bind

Unit Bind, also known as ubind, is a fundamental concept in Mindustry that involves the logic and control of manufactured units. It plays a crucial role in optimizing your gameplay and achieving efficiency in unit management. In this section, I will provide a comprehensive overview of unit binding in Mindustry, explaining its inputs, outputs, functions, and offering tips and tricks for using it effectively.

Inputs and Outputs

When it comes to unit binding, understanding the inputs and outputs is essential. Inputs are the resources that your units require to function, such as power, items, and liquids. Outputs, on the other hand, are the results produced by the units, such as manufactured items or liquid output. By properly configuring the inputs and outputs of your units, you can ensure a smooth production line and maximize the efficiency of your operations.

Unit Control and State

Unit control is another crucial aspect of unit bind. It allows you to direct the actions of your bound units, guiding them to perform specific tasks and actions. Mindustry offers a range of control actions that you can utilize, including stopping, moving, approaching, targeting, and more. By mastering unit control, you can effectively manage multiple units simultaneously and optimize their performance based on the current state of your game.

Unit Control Action Description and Functionality Stop Halts the unit’s movement and actions. Move Moves the unit to a specified target location. Approach Moves the unit closer to a specified target. Target Directs the unit to attack a specific target. ItemDrop Causes the unit to drop specified items at its current location. PayTake Enables the unit to interact with conveyors and transfer items.

By utilizing the various unit control actions, you can effectively manage and coordinate your units, ensuring seamless production, defense, and resource management. Understanding unit bind and mastering unit control will undoubtedly enhance your Mindustry gameplay and pave the way for success in this strategic and immersive game.

Mastering Unit Control

Unit Control is a vital aspect of Mindustry gameplay, allowing you to direct the actions of your bound units. In this section, I will provide you with an in-depth understanding of the 16 Control Actions available in the ucontrol function. By mastering these actions, you’ll be able to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of your units in the game.

Let’s dive into the different Control Actions and their functionalities:

Control Actions Overview

In Mindustry, the ucontrol function provides you with a range of Control Actions that you can utilize to manipulate your units. Each Control Action has specific inputs, outputs, and functionalities. By combining these actions, you can create complex unit behaviors and strategies. Here are some of the key Control Actions:

  1. Stop: This action halts the movement and any ongoing actions of a unit.
  2. Move: With this action, you can specify a destination point for your unit to move towards.
  3. Approach: The Approach action allows you to direct your unit to move towards a specific block or unit on the map.
  4. Target: Use this action to assign targets for your units to attack.
  5. ItemDrop: This action enables your units to drop specified items at a designated location.
  6. PayTake: The PayTake action allows your units to transfer items between themselves and other units or blocks.

These are just a few examples of the Control Actions available in Mindustry. Each action has its own unique functionalities, inputs, and outputs, providing you with a wide range of possibilities to control and coordinate your units effectively.

With a solid understanding of the Control Actions in Mindustry, you’ll have the tools to take your unit control to the next level. Experiment with different combinations, strategies, and scenarios to optimize your gameplay and achieve victory in this challenging game.

Control Action Description Stop Halts the movement and ongoing actions of a unit. Move Directs a unit to move towards a specified destination. Approach Moves a unit towards a specific block or unit on the map. Target Assigns targets for units to attack. ItemDrop Enables units to drop specified items at a designated location. PayTake Allows units to transfer items between themselves and other units or blocks.

Exploring Serpulo — The Campaign Planet

Serpulo is a captivating planet in Mindustry’s campaign mode that offers a unique and challenging gameplay experience. This section will take a closer look at the different aspects of Serpulo, including its sectors, enemy bases, and aggression mechanics. Let’s dive in and discover what this intriguing campaign planet has to offer.

Serpulo Sectors

The planet Serpulo consists of procedurally-generated sectors that present a wide variety of challenges and opportunities. Each sector offers a different landscape, resources, and enemies, providing a dynamic and engaging gameplay experience. As you progress through the campaign, you’ll unlock new sectors and face increasingly difficult enemy bases.

In these sectors, you’ll need to strategically build and defend your base while managing resource extraction and fending off enemy attacks. It’s crucial to adapt your strategies to the unique characteristics of each sector, optimizing your resource usage and unit deployment to overcome the challenges that await.

Enemy Bases and Aggression Mechanics

On Serpulo, you’ll encounter enemy bases that pose a threat to your progress. These bases are strategically placed across the sectors and will periodically launch attacks on your base. It’s essential to fortify your defenses and plan your unit deployment effectively to repel these enemy assaults.

The aggression mechanics in Mindustry add an additional layer of challenge to the gameplay on Serpulo. As you expand your base and increase your resource extraction, the enemy bases will become more aggressive, launching larger and more frequent attacks. It’s crucial to strike a balance between expansion and defense, ensuring that your base can withstand these escalating assaults.

Key Features of Serpulo Description Procedurally-generated sectors Each sector on Serpulo offers a unique landscape, resources, and enemy compositions. Challenging enemy bases Enemy bases are strategically placed and become progressively more difficult as you advance through the campaign. Aggression mechanics As you expand your base, enemy bases will become more aggressive, launching larger and more frequent attacks.

Exploring Serpulo is an exciting and rewarding journey in the world of Mindustry’s campaign mode. The dynamic sectors, challenging enemy bases, and aggression mechanics offer a thrilling gameplay experience that will keep you engaged for hours. So gear up, plan your strategies, and dive into the captivating world of Serpulo!

Spriting in Mindustry

Spriting is an integral part of Mindustry modding and customization, allowing you to bring unique visual elements to your game. In this section, I will explore the importance of spriting in Mindustry and provide you with the necessary information to create stunning sprites that seamlessly blend into the game’s art style.

Mindustry Sprite Sizes

Understanding sprite sizes is crucial for maintaining consistency and aesthetic appeal in your mods. Below is a table detailing the different sprite sizes for blocks, units, items, liquids, and statuses in Mindustry:

Element Sprite Size Blocks 32x32 pixels Units 16x16 pixels Items 8x8 pixels Liquids 16x6 pixels Statuses 8x8 pixels

By adhering to these sprite sizes, you can ensure that your creations seamlessly integrate with the existing Mindustry assets, maintaining the game’s overall visual harmony.

Spriting Software

There are several spriting software options available that can assist you in creating and editing sprites for your Mindustry mods. Here are some recommended spriting software tools:

  • Aseprite: A powerful pixel art editor with features tailored for sprite creation.
  • LibreSprite: A free and open-source pixel art editor suitable for both beginners and experienced spriters.
  • Piskel: An online sprite editor that allows you to create and animate sprites in your browser.
  • Pixilart: A web-based pixel art editor with a user-friendly interface and collaborative features.
  • Paint.NET: A popular raster graphics editor that can be used for pixel art creation with the right plugins.

These software options provide a wide range of features and capabilities, allowing you to unleash your creativity and bring your sprite designs to life.

With a solid understanding of sprite sizes and the right spriting software at your disposal, you can create captivating and visually appealing mods that enhance your Mindustry gameplay experience.

Recommended Spriting Software

In the world of Mindustry modding, having the right spriting software can make all the difference in creating visually stunning and engaging sprites. Here, I’ll be sharing some of the top recommended spriting software options that both desktop and mobile users can utilize for their modding needs.


Aseprite is a popular choice among Mindustry modders for its user-friendly interface and powerful pixel art tools. It offers various features such as layer management, animation support, and a rich color palette. Aseprite is available for Windows, Mac, and Linux, making it accessible to a wide range of modders with different operating systems.


LibreSprite is an open-source alternative that provides a similar set of tools and functionalities as Aseprite. It offers a clean and intuitive interface, allowing modders to create and edit sprites effortlessly. Compatible with Windows, Mac, and Linux, LibreSprite is a reliable option for those seeking free and accessible spriting software.


Piskel is a web-based spriting tool, making it ideal for modders who prefer working directly in their browsers. With Piskel, you can create sprites with ease using its intuitive interface and animation support. Its collaborative features also allow you to work with other modders in real-time, making it a great choice for community projects.


Pixilart is another web-based spriting software that offers a range of tools and features for creating and editing sprites. It provides an easy-to-use interface, along with features like animation support, layer management, and a collaborative platform for sharing and receiving feedback on your creations.


Paint.NET is a free and lightweight software that provides a comprehensive set of tools for spriting. It offers a user-friendly interface and a wide range of features, including layers, blending modes, and various selection tools. Paint.NET is compatible with Windows and is a great choice for modders who prefer a straightforward and efficient spriting experience.

Novix Pixel Editor

Novix Pixel Editor is a mobile spriting software available for iOS and Android devices. It offers a simple and intuitive interface, along with essential spriting tools like layers, color palettes, and export options. Novix Pixel Editor is a convenient choice for modders who prefer to work on their sprites while on the go.

These are just a few of the recommended spriting software options available for Mindustry modders. Each software has its own unique features and advantages, so I encourage you to explore them and find the one that best suits your needs and preferences. Happy spriting!

Understanding Sprite Sizes in Mindustry

Sprites sizes in Mindustry are crucial for maintaining consistency and visual appeal in mods. Different in-game elements, such as blocks and units, have specific sprite sizes that affect their appearance and functionality. It’s essential to understand these sprite sizes to create visually appealing and well-balanced mods. Let’s explore the different sprite sizes for various elements in Mindustry:

Block Sprites

Mindustry blocks have a standard sprite size of 32x32 pixels. This size ensures that blocks fit seamlessly into the game’s grid system and maintain a consistent visual style. When creating custom block sprites, it’s important to adhere to this size to ensure compatibility with the game and other mods.

Unit Sprites

The sprite sizes for units in Mindustry can vary depending on their scale and complexity. Most units have a sprite size ranging from 8x8 to 64x64 pixels. Larger units, like tanks or mechs, may have a sprite size of 128x128 pixels or even larger. It’s crucial to consider the unit’s size and its intended role when creating unit sprites to maintain visual clarity and balance.

In summary, understanding sprite sizes in Mindustry is essential for creating visually appealing and compatible mods. Block sprites have a standard size of 32x32 pixels, while unit sprites can vary depending on their scale. By adhering to these sprite sizes, you can ensure that your mods seamlessly integrate into the Mindustry universe.

Element Sprite Size Blocks 32x32 pixels Units Varies (8x8 to 128x128 pixels) Items 16x16 pixels Liquids 8x8 to 16x16 pixels Statuses 8x8 to 16x16 pixels

Storing and Organizing Sprites

Efficiently managing your sprites is essential for a well-structured and organized Mindustry mod. To ensure easy access and maintenance, follow these best practices:

Directory Structure

Create a directory structure within your mod that reflects the hierarchy of your sprites. For example:

  • blocks/
  • units/
  • turrets/
  • items/

This makes it easier to locate and update specific sprites when needed.

Sprite Atlases

Consider using sprite atlases to improve performance by reducing the number of separate image files. You can group similar sprites into a single atlas, reducing the load on the game engine. This is particularly useful when you have many small sprites. Remember to update the sprite paths in your code to reflect the new atlas structure.

Overriding Existing Sprites

If you want to modify existing sprites in Mindustry, create a new sprite with the same name and place it in the appropriate directory within your mod. Mindustry will automatically prioritize the modded sprite over the default one.

Suffixes for Sprite Association

Use suffixes in your sprite filenames to associate them with specific game elements. For example, you could use “_block” to denote a block sprite, or “_item” for an item sprite. This helps maintain clarity and consistency when working with a large number of sprites.

Directory Sprite blocks/ coal_block.png turrets/ missile_turret.png items/ power_cell_item.png

By adopting these practices, you can effectively manage your sprite assets and create a more organized and maintainable Mindustry mod.

Mindustry Color Palette and Spriting Styles

Mindustry has a unique and cohesive visual style that contributes to its immersive gameplay experience. Understanding the game’s color palette and spriting guidelines is essential for creating sprites that seamlessly blend into the Mindustry universe. In this section, I will introduce you to the official Mindustry color palette, provide insights into shading techniques, and guide you on how to match your sprites with the game’s art style.

The Mindustry Color Palette

The official Mindustry color palette consists of a carefully curated selection of colors that are used consistently throughout the game. By adhering to this palette, you can ensure that your sprites harmonize with the existing in-game elements. The colors in the palette are specifically chosen to evoke a futuristic, industrial feel, reflecting the game’s theme.

Color Hex Code Dark Gray #252525 Gray #646464 Light Gray #BBBBBB White #FFFFFF Cyan #00FFFF Blue #0000FF Magenta #FF00FF Yellow #FFFF00 Green #00FF00 Red #FF0000

Spriting Guidelines and Shading Techniques

To create sprites that align with the Mindustry art style, it’s important to follow specific spriting guidelines. First, pay attention to the level of detail and shading used in the game’s existing sprites and aim to match it. The sprites should have a consistent level of shading across different elements, with proper highlights and shadows to add depth and dimension.

When it comes to shading techniques, Mindustry primarily utilizes a blend of soft shading and dithering. Soft shading involves smoothly transitioning between shades of the same color to create a gradual gradient effect. Dithering, on the other hand, uses a pattern of dots or pixels to simulate additional colors and create the illusion of shading.

By following these spriting guidelines and employing the appropriate shading techniques, you can create sprites that seamlessly integrate into the Mindustry universe and enhance the overall visual experience for players.

Spriting Examples: Modded Sprites

Showcasing the Creativity and Diversity of Mindustry Modding Community

As part of the vibrant Mindustry modding community, I am excited to showcase some outstanding examples of modded sprites that demonstrate the immense creativity and diversity within the community. These sprites adhere to the Mindustry spriting guidelines, seamlessly blending with the game’s art style while introducing unique designs, blocks, units, and turrets.

Let’s take a closer look at some of these remarkable modded sprites:

Mod Sprite Description Starlight Industries

Starlight Industries Sprite

A beautiful sprite representing a futuristic energy generator, emitting a soft glow. This mod offers innovative solutions to power generation and distribution systems. Ironclad Defense

Ironclad Defense Sprite

The Ironclad Defense mod introduces robust defensive structures, including an intricately designed fortress turret. It showcases exceptional attention to detail and enhances the defensive capabilities of your bases. Gemstone Extraction

Gemstone Extraction Sprite

In this mod, you can delve into the depths of underground mining with advanced equipment and machinery. The gemstone extraction sprite illustrates stunning gem formations, making your mining operations visually captivating.

These modded sprites exemplify the boundless imagination and dedication of the Mindustry modding community. By exploring these and many other modded sprites, you can unlock endless possibilities for customization and enhance your gameplay experience. Feel free to dive into the rich collection of mods available and unleash your creativity in the world of Mindustry.

Conclusion and Further Resources

In conclusion, this in-depth Mindustry guide has provided you with comprehensive information on various aspects of the game, including unit binding, unit control, campaign progression, spriting, and more. By understanding and implementing the strategies and techniques outlined in this guide, you’ll be well-equipped to navigate and excel in Mindustry.

To further enhance your Mindustry knowledge and connect with the community, I recommend exploring the following resources:

1. Official Documentation: Refer to the official Mindustry documentation for detailed information about game mechanics, modding, and troubleshooting.

2. Forums: Engage with the vibrant Mindustry community on forums such as Reddit and Discord. These platforms provide opportunities to ask questions, share ideas, and learn from experienced players and modders.

3. Online Communities: Join online communities dedicated to Mindustry, where you can find tutorials, guides, and mod showcases. These communities are fantastic spaces for connecting with like-minded players and staying up-to-date with the latest developments in the game.

By utilizing these resources, you can continue your Mindustry journey, expand your knowledge, and contribute to the thriving community that surrounds this fascinating game. Happy gaming!

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