Different Styles Of Wooden Furniture

Good Wood Furniture
3 min readMar 16, 2018


Wooden furniture definitely gives a royal touch to decorated places, whatever be the situation. But normally, people get confused while purchasing, as there are plenty of choices to pick from.

Wooden furniture are still one of the best choices among people when it comes to home furnishing. They not only come in a variety of style options, but are also available in different textures, with each having their own unique benefits. Now, with the availability of so many choices, people often get confused while choosing the best one.

Hardwood or softwood: Which one is the best?

Basically, there are two forms of wooden furniture, hardwood and softwood. Mahogany, oak, ash and walnut fall in the group of hardwood, while pine, beech, birch, cedar are softwoods. You can determine a hardwood furniture by the dark colour and their firm and dense grains. On the contrary, softwoods are lighter in colour and the grains are distinctive. Furniture pieces made of hardwood are durable enough than softwoods and thus, they are costly too. However, there are some softwoods which match the quality of hardwood and are also cost-effective.

Best wood for classic style

Furniture pieces like dining tables, bookcases, sideboards, etc. that are made of pine (softwood) look great when paired with a traditional décor. They show a yellowish tint and the grains are also distinctive that increase the aesthetic appeal. Furniture pieces made of pine bring a sense of occasion to dining places or simply anywhere, where you want to give a welcoming and grand space to entertain friends and family. Pine furniture pieces are also durable and thus, they make great family heirlooms.

Best wood for modern décor schemes

If you want to create a more modern feel in your space, it’s good to choose cedar or pine. With their pale colour, these softwoods make any furniture piece perfect for light, bright interiors with a more present-day style. You can also opt for beech as it is shock-resistant and easy to polish.

If you want to bring in furniture pieces that are durable as well as cost-effective, you must hire a furniture maker in Sydney who provides a range of timber furnishings suited for home décor. Depending on the applications, they can provide you the best bespoke items which are resistant to swelling, shrinking and warping.

Best wood for your living room

A living room looks great with furniture pieces that are made of hardwood. It is the place where most of the guests are entertained and thus, must be enriched with creativity. However, if your budget does not permits, you can still achieve the same with the help of pine or cedar furnishings that are relatively inexpensive.

Consult your needs with a reputed and professional furniture maker if you feel confused while choosing the best timber furnishing for your home.

