Getting A Good Sleep During Old Age

Good Wood Furniture
2 min readDec 19, 2017


Inadequate sleep is a common problem during old age. This can lead to severe insomnia. Here are some helpful tips to improve sleep for senior citizens.

Being a senior citizen has certain drawbacks, inability to get enough sleep being one of them. As people proceed towards old age, they experience a significant decline both in the quality and duration of sleep.

Does this mean people need less sleep as they grow older?

Well, this is a myth. In fact, experts say aged people need to sleep for at least seven to nine hours a day. So, senior citizens need more sleep rather than less. This doesn’t mean to sleep continuously for seven to nine hours. Shorter and frequent slumbers are good to go.

How to improve sleep for aged people?

Maintain a healthy lifestyle

For elderly people, getting good sleep often depends on the bed where they are sleeping. It is best to sleep on a foam or fibre mattress, and that too on softwood furniture. And when it comes to softwood, pine beds are perfect. Choose a store that particularly delivers unique pine furniture pieces in Sydney. Also choose a good mattress that contours with the body of the user.

Weight loss & improved mobility

Weight gain and loss of mobility are common problems with getting old. These factors lead to increased chances of developing sleep apnea. Walking for 30 minutes after having lunch and dinner is a good choice. During their 60s, some can even opt for moderate exercise three times a week. A bit of fatigue amount lead to decent sleep.

Check your medication

Unfortunately, getting old has a strong connection with aches and pains. This can disrupt your sleep. Therefore, the medication taken to prevent such ailments often leads to insomnia. Check the side effects of any medication and go for alternatives if possible.

Change the pattern of sleep

As it becomes harder to sleep in one unbroken time-span, aged people tend to keep changing the pattern of sleep. Most of them have a pattern of biphasic (2 sleeps a day) or polyphasic (multiple sleeps a day). The pattern keeps changing each day. This constant change is another cause of less sleep.

When sleep becomes a troublesome action of your old age life, it is better to consider these tips to get a good night’s sleep.

