Are you Financially Fit for Life? Steve Down shares Financial Knowledge

Top Desk
3 min readSep 1, 2021


Many were caught off-guard by the Covid-19 pandemic that has affected the entire world. As a matter of fact, people of every level were affected in one way or another whether by the loss of their loved one or collapse of business. It gets worse when those that had been surviving on their monthly or bimonthly salaries lose their job.

With the fast rollout of the Covid vaccines in different continents, things are starting to get back to normal. Businesses are starting to pick up once again, people are getting back to their places or work, and stadiums are starting to attract more spectators.

From the experience the entire world has faced, one of the crucial questions we need to be asking ourselves is, were we financially fit for life when the pandemic came. What about now, are we?

Steve Down, one of the outspoken business individuals in the United States of America must have predicted that the world get to an upside down moment in our lifetime. This prompted him to author the book Financially Fit for Life, a book that has transformed many American lives. From his book, Steve Down highlights seven key steps and 33 different subsets that can help cure financial stagnancy.

Becoming financially fit for life, according to Steve Down demands being patient with oneself so long as long as a financial step is taken from time to time. This is to say that every single financial exercise makes an immediate difference in a person’s financial life. The difference may not be significantly big at once, yet, given time, it makes all the difference.

The book Financially Fit for Life, as the name suggests, aims at making an individual have strong financial muscles throughout their lifetime including in times of global financial hardship like it was the case during the peak of the Covid-19 pandemic.

According to Steve Down, one is not financially fit unless they can live comfortably financially for at least ten years without having to work for money. It involves creating a kind of life that one desires for themselves and their family and having the ability to do the things they like without any financial strain. The fitness should last for a lifetime and this is what Steve Down desires for those who get the chance to read the book. As Steve always put it, wealth is not earned, it is created; aim at creating wealth and best wishes as you do so.

