The Bottom-up Economic Perspective Verses Steve Down’s Cause Capitalism

Top Desk
2 min readAug 31, 2021


Anyone who has been in Kenya, located in the African continent in the recent past has probably heard a lot about the ‘‘bottom-up’’ economic approach being used by politicians of different political parties and origins

The ‘‘bottom-up’’ approach, to some extent has been perceived to be the solution that Africa needs in general. In a society where many believe in politicians to read and interpret policies, laws, and certain important phrases, some are easily misled for the sake of voting for their own candidate. Most politicians explain the bottom-up approach as one that enables resources to get the root level of the citizens. That is to say, the very needy in the society.

Whereas there is some sort of truth in the explanation of this political and economic phrase, actions ought to speak louder than words. This is where the significance of Steve Down’s presence and activities in Africa in the recent past matters a lot.

Steve Down and his team have in the recent past been preaching a completely different phrase, ‘‘Cause Capitalism”. Steve Down explains his philosophy as one that is able to raise even the weakest in the society to become someone that really matters. As such, Steve Down believes in empowering individuals so that they can be free mentally to give their best in life and supporting others who may need the same form of pull in life.

Cause Capitalism is no doubt a common phrase in the American context, especially in the way Steve Down runs his many businesses within America. The most significant business is Even Stevens’ Sandwiches which applied the same methodology and were able to within a financial year, beat the greatest of all times, Subways.

Steve’s Cause Capitalism aims at empowering everyone by giving them equal chance in life, encouraging them with information, then helping them stand on their own. One thing I like about Steve Down is his character of saying and actually doing. Unlike politicians, Steve Down preaches what he has already done; something that actually worked for him and is in the public domain.

