The Effective Leader by Steve Down

Top Desk
2 min readSep 30, 2021


According to the great man whose name is on humanitarian lips, a leader is one with two important values, which are; inclusion and diversity and must strive to uphold them. Steve Down narrates to us how her friend reminds him that to make important decisions a woman must be on the list of advisers to promote inclusion. Steve Down goes further and tells us that inclusion has enhanced decision-making and problem-solving in his foundations’ initiatives because what they plan the community usually give feedback.

Steve Down considers a great leader as one who makes other become better leaders. Steve Downs believes that the power lies in knowledge and this has been seen by him being an author of many books that talk about leadership and their virtues. Honesty, integrity and courage to revisit the past mistakes and what trails an individual down and communicate the meaning to inspire a person is what makes one an effective leader in Steve Down’s own words.

Steve Down in one of the schools in Kenya

Steve Down insists that vulnerability is a great mark in a leader and it’s the fundamental way that we can institute a relationship and grow relationships with others for perfectionist and goes ahead and give a closing statement that “if you practice this, I appreciate you.” Steve gives his own experience of being a personal finance coach in one of his speeches, that it has had him in many different spaces and those spaces include actively participating women in the line.

Steve Down meeting local community leaders in one of their grassroot events

Steve Down is a perfect example of a leader who cares about gender inclusivity in his leadership and encourages women to be in the front line in airing their voices of inequality and working against it. Steve Down says’ “women now have a voice of hope and they will be able to create employment through agribusiness through capitalism.”

‘‘Let us join the cause for fighting for the cause of capitalism and if you practice this I appreciate you’’-Steve’s own words.

