iPhone Field Test Mode For LTE/5G testing

2 min readJul 6, 2022

As a network developer/tester we always wish we get more logs information from user when they report some problem, Android being opensource and basically being Linux gives us lots of opportunity to play around but iOS being so closed and manufactured by only apple, make it tuff for developer to touch anything related Wi-FI , Bluetooth or Cellular.

Like android we cant directly get much cellulardata from the os but using below method we can get basic information from iphone/apple celluar devices.

Open phone dialer app and type *3001#12345#* now hit dial, you will see a screen dumping few information of the connected network.

With this basic information we can understand the signal strength, RAT, TAC, Bandinfo etc.

In older iOS device you can lot more information using the same code, checkout this video to see those info.

Have you seen any other official or unofficial “hacks” to make our lives easier? please share it in the comments.

