David Parker Jr.
David Parker Jr.

Hello, Medium! I'm new here. I've always loved a lot of the writing on this platform, and I'm looking forward to joining the community.

A little about me:

I live in the mountains of Western North Carolina now, where I write and ghostwrite and father and play guitars and mountain bike and chase after waterfalls and swimming holes. I was a freelance writer in New Orleans for many years after graduating from UNO with an MFA in creative writing. My first love is lit fic, but I have soft spots for great genre fiction too: fantasy, mystery, sci-fi, and even a little horror now and then (Old Gods of Appalachia, anyone?). I work with the Evaluation faculty at Western Governors University, and I was well into my adult years before I managed to discover I have a raging case of ADHD. Apparently, I was too busy chasing squirrels (re: surfing, road tripping, Mardi Gras-ing)(if you can name a pleasant distraction, there is a fair chance I've tried it too) to figure that out in my youth. I'm working on some things.

Always working on some things...

Medium member since July 2023