How I met Postwoman (now Hoppscotch)?

Gopishankar Haridas
2 min readSep 23, 2020


It was during the month of September 2019 where the bug of Hacktoberfest started to bite everyone who wish to contribute to Opensource.

There were quite a good number of people in ThoughtWorks who are already contributing to various libraries. The experience shared by them has kicked the spark in me. And then it’s time to find a good issue to work on.

Initially, I started working on issues related to documentation which were marked as “first-timers-only”, “documentation”, “good-first-issue”. After working on a couple of them, I started looking out for the ones where I could code a bit.

That’s when I came across with this amazing tool — Postwoman!

Just like the introduction says, Postwoman is a sleek, fast and minimalistic which makes working on it a bliss. Read more here —

After playing around the tool for a while, I scrolled through the issues tab. I looked out for something where I could contribute especially the ones which adds more value and needs minimal effort.

Finally, I found the right candidate here.

As the issue describes, it needs a label field to describe what the request is meant for.

I’ve made the changes needed to bring in a label box as an identifier

Now. Postwoman has evolved with better features and even sleeker user interface. And it’s renamed as Hoppscotch!

